Thank you to everyone on TFF


Fish Addict
Jun 7, 2023
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Hi all

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who helped me during my recent disaster in my tank which caused me to lose all my fish. Although the outcome wasn't what I'd hoped for, the advice I received here helped me to understand why it happened so that I can learn moving forwards.

Although I tore that tank down I've still got my betta tank and my ADF tank, for the time being I'm going to continue with those. I know big tanks are generally easier to maintain and monitor, but I gave it some thought and with my ongoing back issues I think small tanks might be better for me at the moment.

I'm still very much interested in the hobby despite my recent experience, and although I'm limited in what I can keep in my small tanks I'll still do my best. I really appreciate all the knowledge and input people gave during my emergency situation, you've all been so willing to share expertise and information.
I agree with you. In addition to my larger tanks, I have three 5 gallon tanks and one ten gallon tank. I am having lots of fun with the small tanks, housing shrimp, dwarf, crayfish, and plants.
I'd love a BIG tank but I live in a flat so it just wouldn't be possible! Little tanks can be fun, albeit not as much room to mix things up but still a variety of scapes possible.


I couldn’t really offer any expertise in your disaster but I was following your post with heart-felt sympathy and I am sincerely sorry for your loss.. I’m glad to hear you are sticking with the hobby.

Smaller tanks are fun to keep and I agree with @Fishfunn the water changes are a lot easier 😅

I couldn’t really offer any expertise in your disaster but I was following your post with heart-felt sympathy and I am sincerely sorry for your loss.. I’m glad to hear you are sticking with the hobby.

Smaller tanks are fun to keep and I agree with @Fishfunn the water changes are a lot easier 😅
Definitely, just did changes on both my small tanks in less than 30 minutes before getting ready for work, so that's a definite plus! Still gutted about my cories but at least I can hopefully avoid anything similar in future.
It’s never nice losing fish, I lost a couple of hillstream loaches and a dwarf gourami not long back…

Went away for a weekend and my mother in law was feeding the fish in my absence, came back to a ton of algae in the bottom of the tank with the hillstreams dead on the bottom and one gourami floating at the top, the filter was all clogged up so still not sure if she way over fed them or if it was just an unfortunate coincidence with the filter malfunctioning.

It’s a learning curve for sure keeping fish but I really enjoy it and can sit there for hours watching them as i find it very relaxing (am I a sad act? lol). I also love it when you sit by the tank and they all come to say hello, they might just be after food but I like to think they’re coming to say hi 😂.

Sorry for your losses, wish you all the best for your future and existing tanks

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