Tetratex Aps400 Air Pump


Fish Fanatic
Jan 7, 2011
Reaction score
North Israel...looking into Hezbolala Land
I bought a TetraTex APS 400 while I was in the UK in January, primarily because it was half the price of them in Israel. Been very happy with it so far, nice and quiet and good air flow but came down this morning, turned the lights on in the aquarium and noticed I had no air curtain. Opened the cupboard where the air pump lives and could immediately hear a rattly vibrating coming from the pump. Disconnected it and replaced it with a crappy Chinese spare I have lying around, then opened the Tetra pump up and lo and behold, both diaphragms went in exactly the same way, see pics...



Now from looking at the diaphragms while they're sitting in my hand it's plainly obvious there's a design flaw in the bracket as they're using a washer which is too small and the diaphragm has been tightened to the bracket too much.

Sent a warranty claim to Tetra this morning through their site but would appreciate if someone has a number in Germany I can call. This is the second warranty claim I've made to Tetra within 7 months :angry:

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