Tetratec Filter Pipes, Condensation And Uv Filters.


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score
Rotherham, UK.
Evening all, quite a bit to ask about in one go, so I'll try and make it brief:

1) - Recently got a TetraTec EX 600 for my tank, water quality great, the filter itself keeps clean for when it comes to cleaning it out, however the pipes leading in and out are getting caked up with a brown furry kind of growth, is this normal? It seems to be adversely affecting the water flow, so I'd assume it's bad news. I was wondering if the placement might have something to do with it, as the pipes lie in direct sight of a long wall light positioned right above, so could this constant light be promoting this growth? And talking of UV sterilizers, would installing one of these help keep this growth at bay perchance?

2) - Ever since I got an air pump and bubble stone in the tank, we've started to get water running down the outer walls of the tank, not much, but a bit, enough to notice when it happens. Now, is this caused by the water surface agitation? Is this causing the evaporation? And how can I sort it out? It's seemingly becoming a major issue as it's collecting under the tank, turning foul and damaging the wood it rests on, so a seperate cabinet may be required, unless this could be prevented in the first place, how about turning the pump down, or lowering the water level? Would that help?

Many thanks.
well direct sunlight will help algae grow in the pipes, but they get gummed up after a while even without it. you can buy long brushes to clean these pipes, hagen made mine. but the cost of new pipe is hardly prohibitive. so that would be another way. a UV unit would help control algae but the pipes would still get gummed up.

my guess on the airstone question, is that the bubbles are being thrown clear of the water surface, though quite why they should condense and run down the back of the tank is beyond me, i mean no offence but the hood is either really crap or not fitting correctly. turn the power down till the bubbles reach the top of the tank, it is the surface agitation that adds the O2, but not jump clear. but you can buy plastic covers for most sizes of tank and they will solve the problem. lol though you will find they need cleaned often, as they go green with algae
The lid for the tank is the one that comes as standard (Rekord 96 Tank, by the way), and we've never had problems with it before. I'm thinking of moving my tank onto a stand within the next few weeks, so I'll try a few things when I do that, like what you said about changing the airstone pressure, checking for water jumping clear, etc. I must confess I do have the water level quite high, so maybe I was just asking for this.

Many thanks!

P.S. Where did you get the pipe cleaner brush things from? Online (Link?) or LFS?

Fluval hoods normally have an inner lip and outer lip and the glass sandwiches inbetween. This means that water shouldn't get out from evaporation.

I would guess it sould have to be splashes that are letting water penetrate this mini defence.

As for pipes if you disconnect the U bend under your sink and look inside it you will see a huge amount of gunk lining the pipe and of course this has nothing to do with light.

Anything sticky can stick and overtime the poop and other detritus collects in your pipes which of course diminshes the flow rate.

I clean my pipes monthly with a long bendy pipe brush.

I have a tetra 1200 and the pipes do the same to me . I have a long wire pipe brush which i use to clean them ever couple of months.

An idea. I think that you can get green coloured piping maybe that might help.
I dont think the colour of the pipes will affect it much. Its the same as the bottom of your toilet pan. If you dont clean it then it starts to go brown and gunky. Once it starts it gets worse at a faster rate.

Green pipes will hide the gunk a little more than clear pipes but at the end of the day the gunk is what the filter is drawing from the tank getting stuck to the pipes. I clean mine fortnightly and the actual cannister I do monthly.

I dont think the colour of the pipes will affect it much. Its the same as the bottom of your toilet pan. If you dont clean it then it starts to go brown and gunky. Once it starts it gets worse at a faster rate.

Green pipes will hide the gunk a little more than clear pipes but at the end of the day the gunk is what the filter is drawing from the tank getting stuck to the pipes. I clean mine fortnightly and the actual cannister I do monthly.


how do u clean the pipes?got the brushes set from local petshop but i havent seen any that are long eneogh ,thought about pulling it through with a peice of string or is there an easyer way of cleaning them
Pulling them through with a piece of string is much the easiest way of doing it. Just add something to the end of the string to act as a weight, then instead of pushing the string, you can just drop it through.

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