Tetratec Ex1200


Official Forum Weirdo Detective
Jul 14, 2007
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Since I cleaned my filter about 10 days ago it occasionally makes a crackly sound like there's an airlock or something, but i've no idea how to sort the problem out. it sort of sounds like a spurting sound lol
yup air trapped in it.
if you can't live with the noise, try wobbling the filter whilst it is running,
this should shake most of the air to the output :good:
Give the unit a good shake to clear any possible air locks :good: If that doesn't work, check that the bearings in the motor unit are positioned correctly and aren't worn/dammaged. If air continued to build up, apply vaseline to all seals to ensure there isn't a leak anywhere. If vaseline does work to solve the issue, it may be an idea to get a spare seal. Note though that it is best practice to stock spares for any filter that you plant to run for more that 6 months, as a precaution rater than anything else :good:


P.S. it could also be that flow is beeing restriced to the motor, and this may be caursing the noise. Check all the pipework, and that none of the meida has gor into the motor section of the unit
I'll give it a shake and see what happens from there, thanks

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