Tetratec Ex 2400

I have no direct experience, but the PFK review said they run like a freight train :crazy: Also, when I looked at them, it was cheaper to buy a pair of EX1200's, so that's what I did. I'm happy with the two smaller cousins that I got, seem reliable, easy to work and quiet thus far :nod:
I've not got experience of the 2400's, but from what I've heard they are noisy. These are the pro's and cons from the PFK article:

Large, powerful, doesn't clog.
Versatile fittings.
Good priming mechanism
Media supplied.

60w energy consumption (to compare, Eheim Pro 2080 20w, Fluval FX5 48w)
Wide bore PVC tubing could be more flexible
Could be heard running in the cabinet.
i agree with Rabbut, although ive never run one, i would still o with two x1200`s as i have run those and never had any issues with any of them

and besides ..who wants a frieght train running thru the longue :lol:
thanks for the replies, glad i asked before i bought one,i`v already got ex 1200 on my rio 240 but think i need a bigger filter,its quite heavily planted and quite well stocked with rainbows,i didnt really want to run 2 filters because it means i would have to cut away some of the top to fit the tubing in,guess i`ll have to re-think about an eheim,
Or you could use a T or Y connection to spilt the inlet and return pipes into two after leaving the tank like I do :hyper: One pipe is in the tank as in inlet, it comes over the top of the tank, and then goes into one of the connections on the T or Y fitting. Two hoses connect to the other two connections and go down to the filter intakes. The same applies for the return side and outlet filter ports. All T or Y piece fittings are secured with Jubilee clips after bulking out the external pipes on the T ot Y piece fittings with PTFE or Plumbers Tape :good:


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