

Fish Crazy
May 31, 2005
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Chattanooga, Tennessee (USA)
I have been doing a lot of reading regarding both Black Phantom and Black Widow Tetras. First I read one is nippier, then I read the other is. And some people say theirs aren't. How large a school is best? Ratio of males to females?

How successful have any of you been keeping either of these tetras with slower moving fish like gouramis? What about in a tank with dwarf neon rainbows? I plan to have gouramis and rainbows in my 55g and want to figure out if a tetra will be good in there with them. I think either of the above are beautiful.

If neither of these will be real good with gouramis and rainbows, what about black neons? I read they do not school at the bottom like regular neons, but higher in the tank. What is the experience you've had?

I've heard black widow tetras are fine with gouramis and I believe 4 minimum.

I couldn't tell you male/female ratio and I really don't know how to sex them either!!! Cracking fish though!
Black widows are known nippers but should be fine with most gouramies except those with longer fins such as pearls where there's a greater risk of nipping occuring. I have never been a big fan of widows/skirts to be honest so don't know that much about them. Thje few I have kept were with semi-aggressive fish like tiger barbs and sharks and they coped very well. I don't think the sex ratios matter much with this particular fish. I, for one, have never tried to pick out a specific number of each and have never had problems (I almost always have had a group of 7-11 so I'm not sure of whether this made a difference or not). They would be fine with rainbows.

Black phantoms, on the other hand, I adore. First of all, I have never seen one grow quite as big as a widow (widows I have seen at a full 2", phantoms to about 1.5") and I have never had one that nipped. The males display to one another, showing of their long fins and flashing black or white. They do actualy change color quite rapidly depending on emotions and it's so entertaining to watch. The females are easily distinguished by their red adipose fin (the extra fin that grows just before the tail behind the dorsal). Males don't have any red on them and females also happen to have a much smaller, more triangular dorsal. Adult males have long, flowing, black dorsals - absolutely lovely. I wouldn't say the sex ratios matter with this fish either. I personaly like to have at least 2 males as that makes them display but you also need females there to give them a reason to display :p. Exactly how many of each you have won't realy matter. Also, I like the red the females offer so they are nice fish to have for that just as the males have the beautiful fins. Phantoms are fine with both gouramies and rainbows.

With any tetra, you should idealy keep a minnimum of 6 to offer them with a good-sized school. If you have room for more, it is worth adding more as a larger group is all the more impressive.
Thanks for the input on the black phantoms. They were my initial favorite, but after reading a few posts on other sites about nipping, I wanted to make sure I chose the right fish to put in the mix.

Now, am I not going to be overstocked if I do a group of 6 black phantoms, 2 pearls, 2 3-spot gouramis, ? dwarf neon rainbows (how many is good?), some corys, and a bristlenose? Those are some bigger fish, so I may have to leave something out? It would be a beautiful tank, especially if they all got along. :shifty: What order would you guys add them? I know the gourami is a bit territorial, so I was thinking she would be last and I'd add her at the same time I add the other 3-spot.

You should realy get at least 6 rainbows as they are schooling fish. If you were to get all the fish you have listed for your 55 but stuck to just 6 of each schooling fish and limmited the number of cories to between 4 (4 is better realy under the circumstances) and 6, you may be slightly over-stocked but it should be manageable as long as you keep up with maintanace. I suppose you'll be doing a fishless cycle so which fish you add first won't matter much. I'd put the tetras in first and let the tank 'age' a little (a couple of weeks say) and make sure water quality is consistant. Then either the cories or rainbows. Then, as you say your gourami is aggressive, put the plec in. Afterwards you'll want to add the pearls (both at the same time) and last the 2 three-spots (at the same time). Expect some aggression between teh gouramies when you add the second group. You may find you need to re-arange the tank a bit every now and then until they all establish territories. Also, you'll want to have some tall rooted plants and, especialy, floating plants. This will decrease the gouramies' aggression somewhat and let all the fish settle in nicely.
I'll keep you guys posted on fishies! The 55g is cycling. I wish Sal wasn't such a witch, but I agree it will be best to add her last. I was hoping to spare the corys her wrath at feeding time sooner, but in the end, it will all work out. She is nice to my neons, just rough on the corys. Go figure.

I have a black pahntom and I love him! I kept him with all my gouramis, then that tank got crowded, so I moved him with his best friend. The Flame dwarf gourami.

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