Fish Crazy
I have been doing a lot of reading regarding both Black Phantom and Black Widow Tetras. First I read one is nippier, then I read the other is. And some people say theirs aren't. How large a school is best? Ratio of males to females?
How successful have any of you been keeping either of these tetras with slower moving fish like gouramis? What about in a tank with dwarf neon rainbows? I plan to have gouramis and rainbows in my 55g and want to figure out if a tetra will be good in there with them. I think either of the above are beautiful.
If neither of these will be real good with gouramis and rainbows, what about black neons? I read they do not school at the bottom like regular neons, but higher in the tank. What is the experience you've had?
How successful have any of you been keeping either of these tetras with slower moving fish like gouramis? What about in a tank with dwarf neon rainbows? I plan to have gouramis and rainbows in my 55g and want to figure out if a tetra will be good in there with them. I think either of the above are beautiful.
If neither of these will be real good with gouramis and rainbows, what about black neons? I read they do not school at the bottom like regular neons, but higher in the tank. What is the experience you've had?