

New Member
May 1, 2003
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i'm thinking of getting some tetras for a five gallon tank. and i'm asking if someone could please tell some types of tetras that are great fish to have. thankyou :D
Well, I have 4 Black Skirt Tetras in a 5gallon right now. I do feel kinda bad for them so I am setting up a new, bigger tank for them. I really like these fish, they are very pretty. But you could go for Neon Tetras, they are smaller I think. Good luck finding a fish you like!!

Neons are definitely smaller than black skirts, as are cardinals (a little bigger) and black neons. Pristella maxillaris (x-ray tetra) is also small (1 inch). I wouldn't put black skirts in a five gallon for very long at all - my biggest one is pretty good sized and might still be growing! :hyper:

They will no doubt appreciate a bigger tank, Gabe, I'm glad to hear you are setting one up. Will you be giving them some new companions in the new tank? Some neons, maybe? :lol:

Good luck to you both!
Actually I'm going to get 2 more black skirts to make 6 and then probably 6 cherry barbs. I'm hoping they will all get along though -_-

What kind of tank do you propose to put the Tetras in. I know you said 5 gallons, but is it just a rectangular type a plexiglas type of a bioOrb? Just trying to think of the best effect for the type of tetra. Will you also have any living plants?

Anyone adding barbs to a community tank needs to remember these are a very nibbley fish, and must have atleast 4 of them but be outnumbered by the other fish,they will rip and nibble at larger fishies fins :/ but otherwise will stick to picking at each other if theres enough of them.

we have 6 glowlight tetras, which are beautiful and 6 neon tetras which are also very pretty,we have 4 green tiger barbs in the tank - and they all seem to get on well...(my bf is obsessedwith tetra's, I wont be surprised if he soon is king tetra question answerer!) lol :lol: ;)

Starry^ :thumbs:

My neons are great... they just happily go about ignoring the other's.. I have 5 at the moment but want to get another 5 as they look great in a large shoal.. I also have 4 pristella's, & 9 black skirts in my 55gal.

hmmmm maybe I should change my name to tetramomma now lol as my tetra's outnumber my mollys :D
Hi! I recommend Pristella tetras. They are cute (eh i know...couldnt think of another word) and they stay small at about 1". I have 3 in my 10 gallon with tigerbarbs. They all stick together!
My fav is Bleeding Heart Tetras!

Not that great a name (one of the reasons my wife will not let me buy them, since she found out what they were called) but I think that they are very elegant as they swim around and the markings on them are unusual. I think that you can get ones with high fins (or this may just be the normal look)

Don't know if they shoal as I have only had 5 or below in a tank.


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