

Fish Crazy
Jun 14, 2008
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New York
Hi again ppl of fish forums! ive decided 2 get tetras! yay. anyways, im gona get some different tetra (could u tell me different types of tetra?) and put them in my new CLEAN 10gal tank! heres some questions for u: 1.) how many tetra can be in a 10gal tank? (i kno they like 2 school), 2.) are they compatible with other fish? (guppies for example cuz i hav a lonly male guppy in a 5gal, and wut types of fish), 3.) do tetras breed? (if so, do they lay eggs or r they livebearers, and how long does it take, and how many does it make), 4.) can u tell if tetras r boys or girls? (if u can, how do u tell), 5.) can tetra live with different types of tetra?, 6.) do bigger tetras eat smaller tetras? , 7.) how long do i hav 2 cycle my tank b4 gettin the tetra? , and 8.) if guppies r compatible fish tetra, wut other fish r compatible w/ tetra that wont harm the guppy? Plz respond 2 the new time (almost) tetra owner! Thnx! -heart :wub: , ally86ozzy
Hi again ppl of fish forums! ive decided 2 get tetras! yay. anyways, im gona get some different tetra (could u tell me different types of tetra?) and put them in my new CLEAN 10gal tank! heres some questions for u: 1.) how many tetra can be in a 10gal tank? (i kno they like 2 school), 2.) are they compatible with other fish? (guppies for example cuz i hav a lonly male guppy in a 5gal, and wut types of fish), 3.) do tetras breed? (if so, do they lay eggs or r they livebearers, and how long does it take, and how many does it make), 4.) can u tell if tetras r boys or girls? (if u can, how do u tell), 5.) can tetra live with different types of tetra?, 6.) do bigger tetras eat smaller tetras? , 7.) how long do i hav 2 cycle my tank b4 gettin the tetra? , and 8.) if guppies r compatible fish tetra, wut other fish r compatible w/ tetra that wont harm the guppy? Plz respond 2 the new time (almost) tetra owner! Thnx! -heart :wub: , ally86ozzy

ur tank needs to be set up for a couple of months first before getting tetras as they can be quite sensitive like neon tetras for example
Difficult to reply in detail to all those questions, but here are a few brief opinions:

1. Variable depending on species & setup, but 10-12 small tetras would be a reasonable guide.
2. Tetras are generally peaceful and can coexist with many other peaceful species that like relatively soft water. This is where your guppy is a problem - guppies, although hardy, like hard water. Some tetras would also find your guppy's fins an attractive target for a bit of nipping.
3. They are egglayers, breeding difficulty & requirements vary with species. Google is your friend!
4. Mature females are usually rounder & plumper. There may be other colour and/or finnage differences, again depending on species.
5. Most tetra species can co-exist.
6. It's not common but possible if the size difference is great enough.
7. See the previous post. Some research is recommended, make sure you have pH, ammonia & nitrite test kits at a minimum.
8. As above, guppies are not ideal, but there are many other compatible species.

My personal opinion is that tetras are happiest and look best in a school of 10 or more. Therefore you would be better off getting a 20 gal and you could have a decent school of tetras with room for a small group of other fish such as cories or otos as well as more room for plants and decor. After some experience you could consider adding a pair of dwarf cichlids such as rams which are my personal favourite.

Otherwise, get the 10 gal, get your guppy a girlfriend and you will have lots of guppies in no time!
Otherwise, get the 10 gal, get your guppy a girlfriend and you will have lots of guppies in no time!

well, i guess. but wut am i supposed 2 do with all the guppies afterwords? -heart :wub: , ally86ozzy
(This reply is 4 Ian H) i cant stay mad at someone 4 2 long... im sry :blush: . i guess ur right. anyways, it wuz my 16-yr old brother who told me to get tetras. i guess i could get guppies and breed them. but then where would i put the babies? and i still DO want a betta.....

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