

Fish Aficionado
Sep 25, 2003
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The black skirt tetras at Petsmart don't have a lot of black on their bodies. It seems as though they lost it. My dad bought two for my 50 gallon and they aren't getting it back. I introduced my two black skirt tetras from my 10 gallon, and even though the temperature change was 2-3 degrees, they lost most of the color on their caudal fins and stripes.

Why is that? B/c of temp. changes, moving b/w tanks?
If they didn't have it to start with - then the chances are lower they will get it "back". A lot of farm produced fish are of very low quality - poor colour is a common effect. That said, often fish moved from overcrowded dealers tanks into a better environment improve after a while.

The fish you have just moved will likewise have been stressed. Assuming the water in the tanks is the same and there are no other stress factors - I would expect them to recover.

Another factor is the tanks, more specifically, the lighting - some lighting setups flatter certain fish more than others. That could make them look different. Seeing them against a different background also plays tricks with the eyes.
I forgot to mention that I put the originals back into there other tanks... The light is bluish/whitish, so that probably has a great impact on it. However, when I put one in I didn't pay attention to color changes. When I saw that it had changed colors, I compared it to the other after I put it in and there had definitely been a drastic change.
Maybe if I cycle the tank w/ the fish I already have, the tetras will fare better...
I just wanted to say that I also have black skirts, and all of mine lighten when they are stressed. Due to water quality, changing thier home around, moving them and such. Keep an eye on them and see if you can identify any other stressors other than they were moved. Good luck
Thanks. When I put the adults back into the 10 gallon they got there color back, and the others are slowly darkening (I think).

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