Tetras Wasting Away & Dying


Fish Fanatic
Aug 3, 2005
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My red serpae and lemon tetras are slowly dying.
There bellies begin to shrink and the take on an oblong shape instead of the round shape.
They begin to have trouble swimming. Then the die after about week. They have been in my 90 gallon tank for almost a year. My Rasboras and Congo tetras, hatchetts and catfish are unaffected.
Any Ideas ? Parasites ? I have lost 7 fish in the last month.
HELP !!!!!!!

Sounds like it could be internal parasites, what does it look like when the fish go to the toilet, also anything wormy like prutruding from the anus, also does the anus look like it enlarged or red and inflamed.
No bent spines on the fish.
Wasting away usually is internal parasites or fish tb, so if they have a bent spine i would say it was fish tb.
I did a google search on fish tb and found that the list of symptoms fits what my fish show.
Thanks for leading me too this conculsion.

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