My red serpae and lemon tetras are slowly dying.
There bellies begin to shrink and the take on an oblong shape instead of the round shape.
They begin to have trouble swimming. Then the die after about week. They have been in my 90 gallon tank for almost a year. My Rasboras and Congo tetras, hatchetts and catfish are unaffected.
Any Ideas ? Parasites ? I have lost 7 fish in the last month.
HELP !!!!!!!
There bellies begin to shrink and the take on an oblong shape instead of the round shape.
They begin to have trouble swimming. Then the die after about week. They have been in my 90 gallon tank for almost a year. My Rasboras and Congo tetras, hatchetts and catfish are unaffected.
Any Ideas ? Parasites ? I have lost 7 fish in the last month.
HELP !!!!!!!