Tetras Nibbling On My Arm?


Fish Crazy
Aug 8, 2009
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Auckland NZ
Hi people. Firstly, whenever i stick my arm into my fish tank, all my neon tetras,(16 of em) and glowlight tetras (6 of em), come nibbling on my arm, these are the only tropical fish that have ever done that to me. Why do they do it, is it a problem for them, are they telling me they are more hungry, even though they CANT be more hungry. Anyone know anything or have any comments?

Also, my fighter fish just died recently, and i would like to get another one, i have 3 tanks, 2 of which im figuring which tank he should go in. In 1 tank i have 22 tetras, and a rainbow shark (well soon to be) its about 17-18 gallons, but have been told they nip fins. Would he be better in another similarly sized tank with angels, a blue gourami, a penguin tetra, and a swordtail. I would like to put him into a little like 5 gallon tank by himself, but iv already got 3 tanks, incl a 4 foot tank, and im only 13, and i dont have $100 to spend on another tank, let-alone space for another tank. Which would he suit in? Or is there another cheapish option.

Hello! I wouldnt worry about the fish nibbling on your arm, believe just some species do it and always on the look out for food! How much and often do you feed them?

Sorry to hear about your fighter fish :( The tank with the tetras and soon to be a rainbow shark is a no go. Some have tried it and it has been successful but others have had failures due to tetras being nippy. I have read that if the tetras are in a large enough shoal they wont show this aggression to other fish (hoping someone can shed light on this). As to the other tank NO!!! Never ever put labyrinths together. The blue gourami and fighter will fight most probably to the death and their may be furhter issues with the angel. If you could get the 5g running that would be the best option x
I feed them twice a day, and a significant ammount. My dad said that he thought a little tank with the lone fighter fish is cruel because he needs company, and its too small of a tank. I did have 4 gouramis with the fighter fish at one point, along with the 4 angel fish, but 2 gouramis died :-( due to one of them being significantly larger, he was constantly bullying the other 3. I separated the big gourami into the large tank, and the other alive 1 is still in with the 4 angels. I REALLLLLY want a fighter fish, and the small tank is not an option. Im leaning towards the tetras tank. Like you said if the school is large enough, they will keep it to themselves, well theres 22 of them, so isnt that more than enough. Anything else you guys would like to say. (Please do)

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