Tetra's New Marine Products


The things we do for our fish..
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Somerset, England
Hi everyone.
I was suprised to see Tetra's marine products on their website. Here's a link.
Just wanted to hear some of your premliminary opinions/expectations.
IMO, Tetra have excelled in most of their products and so I don't see why the marine side of things should be any different.
The salt is somewhat misleading. I doubt there are any salts that allow you to keep a heavy coral tank without adding to the water KH and/or Calc additives. The levels of freshly mixed artificial SW rarely match the levels desired.

Those types of hydrometers are horribly prone to misreadings by bubbles being present and such, really you should only be looking at floating hydrometers or refractometers. You don't really need a different dechlor for marine (if you aren't using RO water at which point dechlor become superfluous). Seachem's prime will probably do the most water per cost. The safestart is a bit unnecessary unless you aren't using any live rock. I have heard some good things about the Tetra SafeStart, but I have not heard of any very good SW bacteria in a bottle solutions. I can only assume that the prevalence of LR in systems makes it unnecessary.

And food is just food really...

So nothing to really wow about in there, but nothing that is particularly bad.
Cheers for the reply Andy, I thought you might have something to add to the thread :)
I'll echo Andy's sentiments, especially on the salt. It's not chemically feasible/possible to keep an aquarium's calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium levels stable through just minor water changes. Sure it can be done through 100%ers but that's not efficient by any means. Claims by any salt manufacturer to the contrary is really just marketing gimmicks if you ask me.

Having said that, I'll also echo Andy in that there's nothing bad about the products (cept for the hydrometer...), but nothing that makes me excited either ;)

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