Tetras Have Ich And Fungus, Help!


New Member
Dec 6, 2007
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Hey, i'm kinda new to this, so i could use all the help you guys have.

10 Gallon tank. 76 degC, NH3 = 0

Only thing in the tank are 2 white skirted tetras.

Here's what's going on:

About 5 days ago I noticed little white spots all over my fish. My tank had been very stable for several months and i had just added a clown pleco about 10 days ago. ( I assume the ich probably came in with the pleco)

The guys at the shop recommended using Jungle's "Ick Guard II" which i started 5 days ago.

The pleco died after a couple days.

Yesterday, it looked as though the little white spots had all disappeared, but now the 2 tetras had raggedy looking finds and a similar appearance on their bodies. It kinda looks like cotton. Their foreheads also look like they have been dented in a little.

Back to the fish store...

They guys at the store gave me Jungle's "Fungus Guard." Last night i stopped adding the daily dose of Ick Guard and instead used the Fungus Guard.

Today it looks like the cottony fungus has improved (but is still there), but the ich has come back as there are new little white spots on the fins.

I just put in a dose of Ick guard II and a dose of Fungus Guard.

Is this ok to use both at the same time? How long do i need to treat for until i can stop using the chemicals?

Despite looking like they are in really bad shape, the fish have been acting really normal and eating a normal amount of food.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Can you post water stats in ammonia,nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
While you are treating for whitespot all you can add is pimafix for the columnaris.
Should treat whitespot an extra week once spots have disappeared.
Sorry, i don't have a pH, test kit, but i do have an ammonia reader and it says that the ammonia is 0.

the "fungus guard" bottle says that it is for columnaris and fin and mouth fungus. active ingredients are copper sulfate and potassium dichromate.

i've included the best picture i could get of the guys.


  • IMG_1363.jpg
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Good Luck.
Hey, i'm kinda new to this, so i could use all the help you guys have.

10 Gallon tank. 76 degC, NH3 = 0

Only thing in the tank are 2 white skirted tetras.

Here's what's going on:

About 5 days ago I noticed little white spots all over my fish. My tank had been very stable for several months and i had just added a clown pleco about 10 days ago. ( I assume the ich probably came in with the pleco)

The guys at the shop recommended using Jungle's "Ick Guard II" which i started 5 days ago.

The pleco died after a couple days.

Yesterday, it looked as though the little white spots had all disappeared, but now the 2 tetras had raggedy looking finds and a similar appearance on their bodies. It kinda looks like cotton. Their foreheads also look like they have been dented in a little.

Back to the fish store...

They guys at the store gave me Jungle's "Fungus Guard." Last night i stopped adding the daily dose of Ick Guard and instead used the Fungus Guard.

Today it looks like the cottony fungus has improved (but is still there), but the ich has come back as there are new little white spots on the fins.

I just put in a dose of Ick guard II and a dose of Fungus Guard.

Is this ok to use both at the same time? How long do i need to treat for until i can stop using the chemicals?

Despite looking like they are in really bad shape, the fish have been acting really normal and eating a normal amount of food.

Thanks in advance for the help.

OMG the poor things they look like they are in pain :( i hope all is well.
This thead is from december last year.

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