Tetras For A 29-30 Gallon?


Dec 25, 2009
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Tampa, FL
I plan on establishing a tank and have two sizes already to choose from a 29 gallon and a 30 gallon breeder. What size is best? And eventually what would be a good size shoal for a tank of that size? Oh, and I would prefer Cardinal or Neons
Bigger is always better so i'd go for the 30gal but apart from that i have no experience in breeding to offer you.

Best of luck though :good:
Go for the 30 gallon and a shoal of 30 cardinal tetras, a shoal of cories and a pair of bolivian rams would be fine.

Just mix and match the cories and bolivian rams for something else if you wish.
Well I ended up getting a "community" tank in the 29 gallon. It was more of a family decision as my parents wanted to see a variety of fish. I have 5 zebra danios, 3 dalmatian mollies with a really cool yellow tail, and 1 Opaline gourami (M). I hope to get another Gourami female so as the large fish in the tank. But would tetras still be compatible with these fish?
you did cycle the tank didn't you? or are you doing a fish in cycle?
I actually managed to get filter media to get the tank cycling with water changes. I'm testing the Ammonia and Nitrates frequently and have yet to see ammonia hit 1ppm or nitrite hit even close to 0.25 ppm and my nitrate is 5ppm. If I see ammonia hit .5 I do a water change immediately. But I plan to hold of tetras for a bit as I know they need a more mature tank.
Ive stated that Ive yet to see 1ppm ammonia as the my test kit is vivid yellow which is basically 0.0, but it hit 0.5 once and i did a water change to make it back to zero. Ammonia only really effects fish when it raise above 1ppm from what Ive read on numerous sites.

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