Tetra's Dieing. 1-2 per day

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Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2004
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well I'm still losing tetra's about 1-2 per day. At this rate I'm going to have no tetras left soon. I had schools of neons, Cardinals, and black neons. I now have only a few of each fish left. They're dieing off for no reason I can figure out. The tank is aerated well enough. there is plants. No agression from other fish and the water is great.

PH is about 6.8
NH3/4 0
NO2 0
NO3 10ppm

The water is a little hard but not extremely hard. I just don't get why they keep dieing off on me. at this rate in 4 days I'll have no tetras left. Yet the 3 bala's 2 gouramis, 2 yo-yo loaches, 2 panda cories and 5 Cherry Barbs all seem to be doing just fine. It couldn't be as simple as too much current in the tank could it? Since I have a fluval 304 and 2 301 powerheads? I've had the powerheads turned way down for about a week.
tstenback said:
Sky have you tested the LFS water to see how close the parameters are to your own. May be a problem there.

EDIT: check the hardness as well.
Well I buy fish from 3 different LFS and they actually all have different water supplies. And it hasn't seemed to matter which one of the 3 I buy from the tetra's from there still keep floating to the top 1 or 2 per day. The hardness was sorta middle range on the test strip. I'll go do a hardness check now with my liquid test.
that is reasonable. Sky, i wonder if one of your other fish has a great dislike for tetras. It seems very strange that different tetras from different LFS are all meeting the same fate. Your water is fine and as long as there is no great difference in parameters between your parameters and those of the LFSs involved the only other things are a tetra killer in the tank or real bad luck. Hope you get to the bottom of this quickly. Good Luck :)
tstenback said:
that is reasonable. Sky, i wonder if one of your other fish has a great dislike for tetras. It seems very strange that different tetras from different LFS are all meeting the same fate. Your water is fine and as long as there is no great difference in parameters between your parameters and those of the LFSs involved the only other things are a tetra killer in the tank or real bad luck. Hope you get to the bottom of this quickly. Good Luck :)
well the danios were picking on the little fish but they've been out of the tank for a few days. And the most recent fish that have started dieing were added AFTER the danios left. So I'm really puzzled here. I know the water is a little harder than they like it but it's not extreme. It's got me beat. I know the neons aren't very hardy but the cardinals and the black neons should have been fine but they're dieing just as fast.

well at this rate it's going to be a very big home for 2 tiny gouramis and 2 little loaches.
Just did some reading and the cardinal and the black neon SHOULD be fine in the water I have with the GH I have. the only one who supposedly can't take the GH I have is the neons and thats actually what I have the most left of. So that makes NO sense to me now. The ones that can supposedly be fine in my water are dieing the ones that can't are living(kinda) and everyone else seems immune. This is really frustrating.
I know the cardinals really like a mature tank, which is why i am saving room in my 29 gal for 8 of them. I usually wait 4 months or so before adding the cardinals. I can give you no reason other than stress from shipping perhaps or as mentioned earlier a diff in parameters between your water and that of the three LFS. Baffling sir.

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