well I'm still losing tetra's about 1-2 per day. At this rate I'm going to have no tetras left soon. I had schools of neons, Cardinals, and black neons. I now have only a few of each fish left. They're dieing off for no reason I can figure out. The tank is aerated well enough. there is plants. No agression from other fish and the water is great.
PH is about 6.8
NH3/4 0
NO2 0
NO3 10ppm
The water is a little hard but not extremely hard. I just don't get why they keep dieing off on me. at this rate in 4 days I'll have no tetras left. Yet the 3 bala's 2 gouramis, 2 yo-yo loaches, 2 panda cories and 5 Cherry Barbs all seem to be doing just fine. It couldn't be as simple as too much current in the tank could it? Since I have a fluval 304 and 2 301 powerheads? I've had the powerheads turned way down for about a week.
PH is about 6.8
NH3/4 0
NO2 0
NO3 10ppm
The water is a little hard but not extremely hard. I just don't get why they keep dieing off on me. at this rate in 4 days I'll have no tetras left. Yet the 3 bala's 2 gouramis, 2 yo-yo loaches, 2 panda cories and 5 Cherry Barbs all seem to be doing just fine. It couldn't be as simple as too much current in the tank could it? Since I have a fluval 304 and 2 301 powerheads? I've had the powerheads turned way down for about a week.