Tetras And Rainbows

Rafael Dilone

Jun 3, 2006
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New York City
Well I have recently started to get back into the aquarium hobby once again after taking a 2 year break. I currently have a 10 gallon tank with 1 Cardinal tetra and a Candy cane tetra(what the fish store called it). To me it looks like a bleeding heart tetra with different colors. Here is a picture of it.


So i plan on getting Praecox Rainbows. Probably 3(2 females, 1 male) and cardinal tetras so that my single one has a school of them and be happier. I know that amount of fishes is a lot given the size of the tank. But i have an aquaclear 70. So it can handle the fish load. Also the flow rate is not a problem and have used this filter with the livestock i have prior for like 4+ years in the same tank. I am planning on using Quikrete Commercial Grade Medium Sand since its inexpensive and looks really nice in a tank with real coral fossils. Here is a picture of the sand i plan on adding

Info- http://www.quikrete.com/PDFs/DATA_SHEET-Sand-PoolFilter.pdf

I have tested the coral fossils and they have no affect on water parameters since i have used it for many years in this tank with its old gravel.The filter media within my filter is a regular aquaclear sponge, chemi-pure elite and biomax. I have a incandescent lighting hood with Mini Compact Bulbs Coralife 50/50. I plan on adding lunar lights as well soon.

I would appreciate your opinion guys :]
Praecox rainbows need to be in groups of at least 6. 10 gallons is too small for a minimum group so they are unsuitable. Some of the Blue-eye rainbows are suitable however but they can be difficult to locate.
Praecox rainbows need to be in groups of at least 6. 10 gallons is too small for a minimum group so they are unsuitable. Some of the Blue-eye rainbows are suitable however but they can be difficult to locate.

Thanks for the info. I have housed 4 of them previously and even breaded a total of 13 praecox rainbows and sold them all. I would like to do that again but was never aware about them being in groups of at least 6. The ones i had before, i had for about 3-4 years and breed only once due to how much it was to maintain them. So what other options do you suggest? I would buy praecox rainbows again but i don't want them to be unhappy.
Some people get by with less, but 6 or more is ideal, 2 males 4 females.

If the ones you had before only bred once, then they weren't all that happy. My rainbows bred every day, sometimes more than once a day. Just feed them a good 60% vegetable based varied diet and change 50% of their water every week to keep them in breeding condition.
Some people get by with less, but 6 or more is ideal, 2 males 4 females.

If the ones you had before only bred once, then they weren't all that happy. My rainbows bred every day, sometimes more than once a day. Just feed them a good 60% vegetable based varied diet and change 50% of their water every week to keep them in breeding condition.
oo sorry for you misunderstanding. What i mean to say is that i only took the eggs once. They breed mostly everyday, and what is weird usually always around the same time of the day. That one time i did take the fertilize eggs, they hatched within 48 hours. I have to say the fry were very small, but the experience was a lot of fun. After that one time i did not bother to raise anymore. Thanks for the info on the 60% vegetable based varied diet. What i usually feed mines was Hikari mico waffers and micro pellets. Along with Hikari frozen blood worms every few days and mixed with vita-chem as well. I just love the color in them.
Your fish looks like a Bentos Tetra,(Hyphessobrycon bentosi), Other names it is known by are, - White Tip Tetra, False Rosy Tetra,and Ornate Tetra. Bleeding heart tetras have got a black tip on the dorsal fin, hope this helps, :good:
A good practice about getting enough vegetables in their diet is to feed a good quality spirulina flake as a staple. It has both animal and plant protein. Also, feed cooked shelled peas mushed up a few times a week and limit bloodworms to 1 or 2 times a week maximum.

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