Tetramin Sinking Tablets Problem


New Member
Oct 14, 2009
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El Salvador
So I finally decided to buy special Pleco tablets, I dropped one into the tank, the Pleco's come across it a couple of times, I think he munched a little and then kept wandering around the tank for what i'm guessing to be topical flake leftovers (Which are for my Gourami), he's used to eating those flake leftovers and cucumber, he's been fed that for more than a month since I got him, until I finally decided i'd get him food that's suitable for his needs today, however, I think he's so used to what he's been eating all this time, that he won't pay much attention to the tablet right now, i'm not sure, but maybe the smell of it is what the Pleco doesn't like? I'm sure other people have gotten curious about this and smelled those tablets...and IMO, they don't smell like food, it's got more like a...medicine kind of smell, all I wanna know is if it will only take some time for him to get used to this change?
Specifically what type of plec are you talking about? And what wafers are you talking about?
If you're trying to feed algae wafers to a carnivorous plec it may well not like it too much. Similarly if you have a plec who's diet is usually algae or plant matter it may not like it if you're feeing it wafers meant for carnivores.

Sometimes it also just takes a little time for it to get used to new food. Just don't feed too much.
Try Hikari algae wafers and Sera nips, all my plecs love them.

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