Tetramin Baby Powder Food


Fish Gatherer
Jan 31, 2005
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hi just been to petsathome to look for liquidfry food but they didnt have any, but they said that tetramin baby food would be ok -_-
i told them that they have only just hatched and she said that the tetramin food would be ok :unsure:
i thought i had to give them liquidfry for a couple of days then change to powdered food am i right?
Hi guppy_man :)

Try giving them a little bit of the finely powdered flake; you might find they do alright with it. They might even be able to eat regular sized flake at a very young age if the recognize it as food. It will soften considerable when it gets wet and they should be able to bite off bits of it.

Just be sure that you don't let excess prepared food remain in the tank for too long since it will become food for harmful bacteria. Feed them sparingly and remove any that isn't eaten.

If you can get a starter culture and grow your own microworms, it would be better still. :D
thnx inchworm how much is the starter culture i wouldnt mind sum microworms for all my fish especially for my cories and bettas :nod:
while i was in petsathome i saw freeze dried blackworms i think thats what they were would they be any good :unsure:

thnx for tha reply :)
I used that Hikari First Bites stuff with mine and they seemed to like it better then that liquid fry stuff. Its still very messy though. Next time I will have microworms ready for them as soon as they hatched. They grew a lot quicker once I started feeding them that.
How about infusoria? Bung some banana skin in a glass of water and stand it on the windowsill in the sunshine; it should grow a microculture within a few days. There's an article about it in the latest issue of either Practical Fishkeeping or Tropical Fish, can't remember which. It's what we all used to do 30 years ago before fry foods were invented.
thnx inchworm how much is the starter culture i wouldnt mind sum microworms for all my fish especially for my cories and bettas :nod:
while i was in petsathome i saw freeze dried blackworms i think thats what they were would they be any good :unsure:

thnx for tha reply :)

Hi guppy_man :)

Microworms are great food for fry, but they don't provide much nutrition for large fish. It's just a matter of them being so small that they would have to eat enormous numbers of them.

Here are a couple of links that might be of help to you:



You pretty much have to buy them online since they are something the lfs don't seem to carry.

Freeze dried products are not good for the tiny fry, but are very good food for large fish. :D
ok thnx everyone :D
dwarfgourami about that banana skin idea does it have to be in a curtain temp for the microworms to grow?
if i do how long should i leave the bananna skin in the glass? :unsure:
I start mine on tetra min baby food. Then little bit later I put in adult food. They can eat that fine.
I started my little aeneus off on Atison's Betta Starter. I wasn't prepared for the upkeep, so I only got one of seven or eight to maturity. But they all thrived on the Betta Starter. I think it is very high in protein. Mainly, like Inchworm says, dry foods need to be cleaned up right away. I lost most of my babies to being in a hurry to get to work or bed and vacummed up the babies into the sink. :/ :no: :blush: then lost some to bacterial fungus. :sick:
im sorry to say but most of the cories have died :-( i might of over fed them or under fed them im not quite sure,i tested the water and it was fine :/
they were getting bigger aswell i could see their whiskers forming their colour was brightening, thought i was doing it right, but when i woke up the morning after to feed them most of them were dead accept 3 which i moved to my plastic breeder cage in my community tank,the 3 were doing fine and then the day after they died aswell :-(

what could of caused this, i haven't a clue :unsure:
did they have any fuzzy fungus or look kinda fuzzy?

Sorry, guppy_man, it's very discouraging and a little embarrassing to have the babies die. Bacterial fungal infections seem to be the main culprut for the loss of fry of any genus, from what I've read. That, loss in water changes, and being eaten.

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