Tetra With Fungus


Fish Fanatic
Dec 15, 2006
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
Hi I noticed yesterday that one of my lemon tetras has what looks like to be some sort of fungus on it's side (or is it bacterial?). It could be as a result of a disagreement with another tetra - it doesn't seem to be bothering him as he's still chasing the others round the tank. It's a 240litre tank and we haven't got a hospital tank. Medications we have in the cupboard are Pimafix (prob not enough for full course), Myxazin (bacterial infections), Protozin (white spot and fungus) or Esha 2000 (claims to be for bacterial and fungal problems). Which of these would be the best do you think?


Fungus can grow on dead tissue.
Myxazin and pimafix.
Good luck.
Wilder is spot on there myxazin is by far the better in my eye.
Thanks we'll try that - will probably run out of the Pimafix but hopefully it will last till we can get some more at the weekend!
So it is that there is a bacterial problem which then allows the fungus to grow which is why you recommend using the bacterial and the fungal treatments?

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