tetra tank


Fish Crazy
Jun 2, 2003
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Leeds/Manchester, UK
i was thinking of getting a new tank just with tetras because my tank is 10 gallon and i cannot think of any nice interesting fish for a 10 gallon are there any out there?
a siamese fighting fish they keep calliung them betas on here dunno where that came from. anyways i think you would be able to have one of thease in the tank that size. or allot of people talk about mollies and swords and apparently dwarf puffers would fit tho i onyl know this cause puffer pack justr said it on another thing about a 7 gallon
Jamnog - just for info, the scientific name for Siamese Fighting Fish is Betta Splendens which is why a lot of people call them Bettas.

Sorry about your little fish friend :(

In answer to your other question, we have a variety of tetras and they seem pretty easy to care for. We have Serpaes, Black Skirts, Black Neons, Glowlights and Silver Tips. Of all of them, the Silver Tips do nip amongst themselves for the best position in the tank (this configuration of fish does include mostly mid-level fish) more than the others. They are a nice group of fish. I sometimes wish people could get along so well! :D

Oops! Just realized you are looking for suggestions for fish OTHER than tetras. A few mollies or platys would be great for a 10 gallon. Maybe a couple cories and a ghost shrimp or 2. :D
i would like to put 1 male and 2 female guppie in there and try and breed them in my 10 gallon tank is it big enough for them to breed? :fun:
Harlequins are realy nice fish but they might get a bit big after a while but in a shoal they are realy attractive and easy to keep. Lemon tetras are also nice their anal fin goes a lovely bright yellow as they mature grows to about 2inches.

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