Tetra Tank


Fish Crazy
Aug 5, 2008
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Right now, i have 3 lemon tetras in a 29g tank.
I will shortly be getting 2-3 more.
I am going to make an all tetra tank and am thinking of serpaes and then black phantoms, schools of 5-6 each.
I just need to think of one more good tetra, preferably not yellow red or black as i will already have those colors...

also, could i put in some harlequin rasboras in there?
Tetras naturally occur in groups of thousands in the wild. In captivity they do best on large groups of their own kind. It is preferable to keep 10 or more of each species if you have room.

Serpae tetras are fine with most fish but will chew the fins on some, especially those with long flowing fins like male Bettas and angelfish. Red Phantom tetras are similar but less inclined to nipping fins.

Black phantom tetras are nice fish. Males have black pelvic fins and females have red.

Harlequin rasboras will be fine with tetras but they should be quarantined before going into the tank. Many suffer from bacterial infections and a lot die within the first few days. If the ones in the shop look healthy it should be ok to add them directly but you can never guarantee they won't bring something into the tank.

Other tetras that might interest you include rummynose, bleeding heart or rosy tetras, diamond, emperor, neon or cardinal tetras. You could put hatchetfish in the tank too, or some splashing tetras. Swordtail characins are a cream colour and make interesting fish.
1st make each school up to 8 and have a school of 8 neons they look brilliant in the light dashing around and making mini shoals. there the funniest fish ive ever owned
A bit of a bump, but when you say (Colin_T) about Tetra being better in larger groups, do they all need to be the same? I have six Black Neons, and I do fancy another six when I upgrade my tank, would it be better to get another six Blacks, or will any Tetra really do? I quite like the normal Neons.

A bit of a bump, but when you say (Colin_T) about Tetra being better in larger groups, do they all need to be the same? I have six Black Neons, and I do fancy another six when I upgrade my tank, would it be better to get another six Blacks, or will any Tetra really do? I quite like the normal Neons.


Yes of the same species.
Watch your stocking level. You are talking about 5-6 Lemon, 5-6 Serpæ, 5-6 Phantoms, and then some, + Rasboras? In a 29?

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