Tetra Tank


Lets go Flyers
Sep 17, 2006
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I love Tetras and was wondering how many I could fit into a 29 gallon tank iwthout it being over stocked. I currently have 5 neons and 2 Phantoms, just to make sure they lived, and everything is perfect for water conditions. The fish are happy and healthy! I'm just wondering how many fish I could get. My favorite tetras are Lemon, Neons, Black Phantoms, and Black Neons. I'm thinking about 7 of each would do nicely. But if I could fit anymore, please tell me!

Here's some photos of the tank. I'm looking to add a lot more plants when we get more fish, and hopefully replace the gravel with something more natural...



:rolleyes: Oops, sorry, I put the same image twice.

i think the general rule of thumb is 1 inch of fish per gallon, but bending the rules slighty more has never caused any sort of problem for me.
I am no expert, but people on my other forum have been absolutely adament that tetras should be in groups of six or more. I don't know, but mine seem happier the more I have. I have four of two kinds and six of another in my 29 gallon, along with two algae eaters and three mollies, two platys. Overcrowding doesn't seem to be a problem, and my tetras seem happy. I'd like to bring thier numbers higher but I don't have room. If I could do it over I'd pick two kinds, six or more of each, and one centerpiece fish like a gourami. Seriously, the more you have of each kind the better they act and the better they look, in my experience. That might limit you a little as to types, though. I'd get more Phantoms, personally.
I love Tetras and was wondering how many I could fit into a 29 gallon tank iwthout it being over stocked. I currently have 5 neons and 2 Phantoms, just to make sure they lived, and everything is perfect for water conditions. The fish are happy and healthy! I'm just wondering how many fish I could get. My favorite tetras are Lemon, Neons, Black Phantoms, and Black Neons. I'm thinking about 7 of each would do nicely. But if I could fit anymore, please tell me!

well the rule of thumb for any schooling fish (that i'm aware of) is a minimum 5 fish per school. this said your neons look to be good.

as far as i'm aware neons, cardinals and black neons all school together (noit sure on the black ones but i know from personal experience that cardinals join the school). but i would up your black phantom (or blackskirt depending on where you go and what they have) to a school of 5. after that i would up the school of neons to maybe like 5 of each kind i said.

then add a centerpeice fish like FishySarah had said. like a guorami like she suggested. i tend to like the blue and gold guoramies, one of each would be nice. or get dwarf guoramies or a paradise guorami. anyhthig compatible really, jsut guoramies are nice :D .

so the order i would do it is...

1) get 3 more black phantom or blackskirt teras (i think it's the same fish jsut slightly varied in appearence)
2) get a centerpeice fish- do some research, but it will amke your tank look so much more amazing)
3) up your other school little by little until you get your desired amount and the tank doesn't look crowded
4) if you still have room, then add a new school of 5 tetras (depends on what you do in step 3)

that is my suggestion anyways, but in the end it is all up to you.

good luck :good:
What about a Pearl Gourami as a centerpiece fish? From what I've seen, they are peaceful, and I think they look nice...
What about a Pearl Gourami as a centerpiece fish? From what I've seen, they are peaceful, and I think they look nice...

a pearl would do fine. the thing to remember is if you want to avoid predation, get fish that the smallest of your tetras won't fit into it's mouth. especially if you are putting a bigger gourami into the tnak full of the neons... all thy think is "hmm, this is nice. thanks for the buffet."

a pearl will be fine like i have said. i can't see it as being a prblem and it would look beautiful as a centerpeice fish.
Although I like tetras, a couple of livebearers would be nice and could make more. If you buy a female livebearer it will probably already be pregnant, especially if ithas been in the store for a little while. I bought a large female swordtail that had been in the store for a while and it gave birth five days later!
I don't think neons really count in the 1" rule. I mean 4 neons aren't going to produce nearly the waste that a 4" cichlid or pleco is going too.

in any case, large schools of neons are very very cool. you have the opportunity to do some really nice schools.

i'd do 12-15 neons, 12-15 black phantoms if you like them.. and then do your centerpiece fish. And add some more plantwork in there for the neons to get themselves lost in. YOu'll always have a straggler neon or two that prefers to hide amongst the plants. 2 schools and a centerpiece could be real nice.
when i had neons though, i added 5 and my levels went through the roof and everything went to hell. but it was probably because my tank wasn't fully matured.

they did though always have one man left behind. and the school would always go back and lookj for that one straggler. like they would split into groups and find the one. when a group found the one, theother group was lost so the other group got lost too. it was constant them getting lost and trying to find each other. it was entertaining :lol: .
:lol: Thats funny! I've had neon tetras in the past, but the ones I have now only seem to school when somebody comes near the tank or the lights change...
Tetras can go more than 2" to the usg. in my experience. They should be added slowly w/periods of time between in order for the bio filtration increase to handle the extra load.

Black skirt and black phantom are not the same in my experience.

As everyone says the red/white/green neons will school together. The small ones join the big ones for saftey. I have some of the little green neons (1/2 to 3/4 inch mature.) They join the diamond heads and the neons All my neon are of the smaller variety. I love having a big group of them. I probably have 25 or more of these variations. I do not have the larger cardinals.

I try to keep at least six, but I prefer at least 10 of each species. The tetras and other schooling fish tighten up the shoal when they feel threatened.

At this time I would not stock over 1 fish per inch--so 29 or 30 fish. The larger fish will balance the equation for the smaller Tetras. As the tank matures you can increase the load. Heavily stocked tanks often require more water changes.

In addition I would look at having top swimmers. Gourami are good for this. You might also look at honeys.

I would also consider a bottom fish: dwarf apistogramas, cories, bushy nose plecs, dwarf synos (petrocola) are good choices. Cories must be kept in groups of 6 or more if they are to be at their happiest. Schooling fish are best if kept in groups. They feel more secure.

Check Wolf's chart for the sizes and variety: here
i think the general rule of thumb is 1 inch of fish per gallon, but bending the rules slighty more has never caused any sort of problem for me.

Just keep it close to that, monitor your levels and you should be fine.

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