Tetra Tank In The Bedroom.....

big mick

Fish Addict
Mar 29, 2005
Reaction score
Irvine, Scotland
Since getting our new carpet down in the bedroom I decided to upgrade the tetras tank tank from this poorly lit half hex....


To a new 100 ltr, because we had the extra room we bought 5 black widow tetras, 10 cardinals and three bronze corries to joing the 6 diamond tetras and 5 white skirt tetras we had in the hex.



Let me explain about the gravel!......Jude wanted amethyst as gravel to match the purple in the room, when we upgraded to the bigger one we couldnt get any more of the same gravel and this stuff looked a deep purple in the shop, as soon as it went in water it turned bright blue!.....ah well, its in now.

The pictures dont do it justice coz I think my camera is on its last legs and seems to darken photos but you get the general idea.

Also the twisting wood comes right out the taop of the water and there is some java moss growing in there, it looks really cool but the hood hides it all which is a shame.

Any Comments welcome.....bareing in mind we have already cover the story about the gravel.
I think it looks really nice!! :D I'm sure your fish are very happy in there too! And hey, I like the gravel! The only gravel I really don't like is the kind where it's brightly colored gravel that is mixed. You know, like red and blue and white, or green and yellow and red and blue......yeeeechh....and this coming from someone who likes all kinds of odd things in the tank! :lol:
And really, your tank looks very cool, your plants looks wonderful too!!
Im usually more of a sand and bogwood man but our bedroom is purple and green (again.....not my choice) so I had to make it inkeeping with the colours so I used alot of green plants with the twisting wood.

Ive just fixed my camera so here are a few better pics




Well....maybe the camera isnt totally fixed.
I decided to change the bulb for a moon glow, which do you think works better?



We are waiting to get more of the amythist (spelled wrong I know) stone and just mix iot up a bit so that the gravel isnt quite so bad!
i like blue gravel...and it looks mint now uv changed the light!!
It doesnt look as bad with the blue light but the Amythist will look better. (Id have gone with play sand but it had to match the bedroom and the tank we upgraded from was amythist...
I decided to change the bulb for a moon glow, which do you think works better?

Looks great.

What, exactly, is the moon glow bulb please? Looks really cool - would like to get one for my Juwel if poss.

I decided to change the bulb for a moon glow, which do you think works better?

Looks great.

What, exactly, is the moon glow bulb please? Looks really cool - would like to get one for my Juwel if poss.


Its just the make of the bulb, some shops might have different brands but the ones I have are called Blue moon, just measure the bulb you have and ask in the shop.

Ive got blue moon bulbs in lots of my tanks.
i love to see blue gravel in aquariums it makes the tanks look fresh clean and bright .. fish like it too ,,
Im more for sand and bogwood but the bedroom is purple and green (again, not my choice) so I tried to get a purple and green thing going on with the tank......not sure the fish are bothered either way
wow thats a lovely tank, I love the blue moon glow. i cant wait to get my double hooded tank latere in the year to have a blue aswell.
Did you adjust the levels of your photographs in photoshop or anything?
or does it really look like that? If so, what light did you have on it in the first pictures?

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