New Member
I have recently finished cycling my tank and have added 6 Pengiun tetras. The first day they spent all of their time static in a corner and i thought... umm not very interesting fish.
Now they seem to have changed their behaviour. Over the last few days they have become bolder, now not swimming in a shoal but chasing each other when they get too close to each other and nipping splitting each others fins.
Its getting so bad I am not really sure what to do? Is there some kind of remedy I can add to the water to help heal the fins in the first instance? I am thinking perhaps I should take them back to the LFS as I cannot see a way I can to stop them from terrorising each other.
From what i can see 2 of the tetras seem to have very slightly longer fins so perhaps i have 2 males and 4 females (duh, sorry bit of a novice on fish sexing!)
I have recently finished cycling my tank and have added 6 Pengiun tetras. The first day they spent all of their time static in a corner and i thought... umm not very interesting fish.
Now they seem to have changed their behaviour. Over the last few days they have become bolder, now not swimming in a shoal but chasing each other when they get too close to each other and nipping splitting each others fins.
Its getting so bad I am not really sure what to do? Is there some kind of remedy I can add to the water to help heal the fins in the first instance? I am thinking perhaps I should take them back to the LFS as I cannot see a way I can to stop them from terrorising each other.
From what i can see 2 of the tetras seem to have very slightly longer fins so perhaps i have 2 males and 4 females (duh, sorry bit of a novice on fish sexing!)