Tetra loosing colour at times


Fish Crazy
Apr 29, 2005
Reaction score
Gdl, Mexico

I have 5 red eye tetras, and I've been noticing that one of them chaces them around many times a day, I thought it was the way they play because they all do this togheter, you know they all swim fast in group around the tank, but I have also noticed that one of them losses the black color on the tail fin for a couple of minutes. I have seen this happening many times a day and I usually see him hidding from the rest when it happends, I can distinguish him because of its medium size, which is even weirder because the one chacing after the others is one of the smallest in the group.

Does anyone know if this is because of being harasses too much by one of the other tetras?? should I add a couple more so that the "bully" doesn't take it on him that much or could he be sick? :blink:

:/ I never thought that taking care of fish would have this many issues
You could add some more if you have room in the tank, could be stress if he's losing the colour then it's coming back, but he will evenually get ill with the stress, so the problem needs sorting out.
thanks, it might be that (hopefully) so, I will add a couple more tomorrow

I was hoping to get more replyes to get more points of view :blink: but at least you posted :)

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