Tetra Ex700 Filter Is Leaking


New Member
Apr 12, 2009
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I am the proud owner of a tetra ex700 which keeps my marine set up going. Its been in situ for approx 11 months and has been fine. Approx 2 weeks ago it started to leak fm the seal bet the cannister and the motor head. I have done the usual stuff, replaced the O ring, cleaned the housing the O ring sits in clean all the head and cannister, but the leak continues :crazy:

I decided to email the supplier, a pretty known internet based company. They were really helpful by replying very quickly telling me that they would collect the filter and either have it repaired or replaced, the only down side was that it is a lengthy process........thats great.........but what runs my tank in the mean time as they wont or cant loan me a replacement.

Its more or less pushing me down the route of having to go out and purchase another one.....hardly a free repair for me then.

Does anyone know if i am likely to get a better response if i contact Tetra Uk direct ????

So does anyone have any idea's what else i could do to stop the leak. I cannot find any damage on the motor head or the cannister, what else could be causing this problem....

In the meantine the filter stands in a bucket !!
I am having the exact same problem with my EX1200 and it's also about 11 months old
See my thread on the general forum called need help urgently, which points to other threads on other sites with the same problem!
OK, quick trouble shoot for a leak

Is the seal twisted at all? If so, this will caurse a leak
Have you applied Vaseline?
Is there any grit e.t.c on the seal, motor head seating area, or the body?
Is the seal in good condition?
How fast is the leak, and is it deffinately the main seal, not the quick-release e.t.c?

Tetra will apparently replace offending filters quickly, and Customer services are supposed to be good if you do get issues. Perhapse try contacting them to see if they will send out a replacement in exchange for the leaking one on the same time. (Curier leaves a new one with you if you give them the old one on recipt kind of thing..) I haven't needed to contact them myself as of yet though, as my three have been fine :good:

All the best
Find the Tetratec site, find the UK email contact and type.

They are superb on after sales service.


thanks for the advice so far. I've seen a couple of different phone numbers for tetra, can anyone tell me which is the best one ???

Mermaidmel - Ive read your thread, sounds a nightmare.... i dont have any issue with circulation or leaks fm anywhere else. Its reassuring to know im not alone in my problem !!

Rabbut - The O ring is new ...... do i still need to put vaseline on it ????

The leak isnt coming fm the quick release connection for sure. Basically i can see drops of water running down the cannister fm underneath the clips. I have applied sufficient pressure when closing the motorhead.

One thing i have read that i perhaps havent done it cut the tubes down so they run in a straight run. They arent kinked but they have a bend in them, but surely if this was a problem it wouldnt have taken 11 months for it to leak due to that ??????

Anyway pse do keep the advice coming.....off to empty the water that leaked into the bucket now :shout:

thanks for the advice so far. I've seen a couple of different phone numbers for tetra, can anyone tell me which is the best one ???

Mermaidmel - Ive read your thread, sounds a nightmare.... i dont have any issue with circulation or leaks fm anywhere else. Its reassuring to know im not alone in my problem !!

Anyway pse do keep the advice coming.....off to empty the water that leaked into the bucket now :shout:

Hi mate

Once I got the pressure and circulation sorted and stopped the outlet popping off it was great, then as you say it started dripping from around the area under the clips
My tubes are slightly long too but if you don't have the slack on the tubes then you can't move the thing between the taps to open the quick release, so it's a catch 22 isn't it
On my last tank, I kept the tubes tight and they popped when I tried to move them soaking the crap outta me, so this time I'm keeping the slack to avoid that
I've emailed Tetra twice yesterday to 2 different contacts, but I will ring today too

thanks for the advice so far. I've seen a couple of different phone numbers for tetra, can anyone tell me which is the best one ???

Mermaidmel - Ive read your thread, sounds a nightmare.... i dont have any issue with circulation or leaks fm anywhere else. Its reassuring to know im not alone in my problem !!

Anyway pse do keep the advice coming.....off to empty the water that leaked into the bucket now :shout:

Hi mate

Once I got the pressure and circulation sorted and stopped the outlet popping off it was great, then as you say it started dripping from around the area under the clips
My tubes are slightly long too but if you don't have the slack on the tubes then you can't move the thing between the taps to open the quick release, so it's a catch 22 isn't it
On my last tank, I kept the tubes tight and they popped when I tried to move them soaking the crap outta me, so this time I'm keeping the slack to avoid that
I've emailed Tetra twice yesterday to 2 different contacts, but I will ring today too

Hey let me know how u get on with them.......and which number u ring......I used to hve an undergravel filter.....wish i had kept with that !

thanks for the advice so far. I've seen a couple of different phone numbers for tetra, can anyone tell me which is the best one ???

Mermaidmel - Ive read your thread, sounds a nightmare.... i dont have any issue with circulation or leaks fm anywhere else. Its reassuring to know im not alone in my problem !!

Anyway pse do keep the advice coming.....off to empty the water that leaked into the bucket now :shout:

Hi mate

Once I got the pressure and circulation sorted and stopped the outlet popping off it was great, then as you say it started dripping from around the area under the clips
My tubes are slightly long too but if you don't have the slack on the tubes then you can't move the thing between the taps to open the quick release, so it's a catch 22 isn't it
On my last tank, I kept the tubes tight and they popped when I tried to move them soaking the crap outta me, so this time I'm keeping the slack to avoid that
I've emailed Tetra twice yesterday to 2 different contacts, but I will ring today too

Hey let me know how u get on with them.......and which number u ring......I used to hve an undergravel filter.....wish i had kept with that !

Have u rung them?

Mine's started leaking at the quick release now too! I spent half hour greasing the O Ring only to spring a leak somewhere else!! Bloody thing I hate it.
Oh Mel, you arent having a good time are you :crazy:

No i havent rung them yet, thought you were ?????

Ive greased up the O-ring big style and so far it seems to have done the trick. Question is do i leave it at that ??? im not ever so happy to do so to be fair. Im not getting leaks fm anyother place.....yet !

Let me know how it goes for you. :good:
Oh Mel, you arent having a good time are you :crazy:

No i havent rung them yet, thought you were ?????

Ive greased up the O-ring big style and so far it seems to have done the trick. Question is do i leave it at that ??? im not ever so happy to do so to be fair. Im not getting leaks fm anyother place.....yet !

Let me know how it goes for you. :good:

It's bank holiday Monday, I have emailed but I haven't rung, they won't be there will they?
It's worth a try. I've e-mailed before and it took about 10 days for a responce (about if parts are available as spares, and if so where from). With more serious issues like this, I'd call them on the 'phone.
I can't find their number on their site? Only a contact form and a mailing address.
For all whom are following this, Flynn has contacted me Via PM to say Vaseline fixed the leak. The application of Vaseline or Silicone O-Ring grease to the O-Ring seal is essential for the waterproofness and longevity of any exturnal aquatrium filter seal, so please, if you haven't done so already, go apply some to your O-Rings :good: This applies to the seals on the Quick-release also.

Rather dafty, Tetratec only mention the application of Vaseline in the Troubleshooting section of the manual. Not applying Vaseline seams to be the caurse of most leaks cropping up on these filters ATM. Tetratec, if you read this, get your note on Vaseline into the general maintanance section of the filter manual!

All the best
From what I've read, extensively online, this is a very common problem and occurs generally after maintenance. It seems that in using the quick release lever to remove your hose adaptor from the unit, it triggers some sort of leak. This comes from a large faulty batch manufactured about 12-15 months ago. Whilst most representatives will acknowledge this and replace the part, there has been a couple of reps that have been rude and denied all knowledge, though can't see why they would do that.

Even leaking from underneath the clips is caused by the leak at the hose adaptor. The motorhead fills up with water and it overflows and seaps out of the sides. I am currently waiting for my replacement hose adaptor and pray it will fix the problem. If not I will ring them back. There is also another batch that have a faulty motorhead, not sure what problem this causes but the main one that everyone is reporting on forums is the hose adaptor. It can seem like the O Ring is the cause but it's highly unlikely and your first problem to address is the replacement hose adaptor.

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