Tetra Clear Marine - Tap Safe Vs Ro Water


Fish Fanatic
Mar 2, 2008
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Visited my LFS this last weekend and noticed that there is a Marine verison of the Aqua safe.
Now I have a tropical tank and use the magical blue liquid to make Tap water safe for my tropicals......BUT does the marine version work?
Has anyone used it ?
It is easier than luggin barrels of RO water from the LFS every 2 weekes ? I've asked my LFS about it, but he has it about for 3 weeks.

I know I could get a RO filter system, but I'm struggling to convince the Mrs in allowing me to play about with pipework in the kitchen (It's her room, so I dont mess LOL )

Any help would be greatly recieved
I have never seen it so not sure. I would imagine though that it doesnt remove nitrates/phosphates from the water source or do much more than the FW version (ie its not really going to make it any purer).

I could be wrong though, this is just a guess.

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