testing water


Fish Fanatic
Feb 24, 2005
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hi can sum 1 help me with my water readings my tanks been running for nearly a month got corys and minnows in the tank ive just tested my water and this is my reading ph 7.6 ammonia 0.25 nitrate 10 nitrite 0 plz help thanks
Your tank is still cycling, meaning the nitrogen cycle is not yet complete. When the cycle is complete, your ammonia will be at 0, nitrite at 0 and nitrate some number below about 40ish, maybe lower.

In order to keep this cycle moving along, you need to make sure your tank can grow the types of bacteria it needs to cycle the tank. Thge good news for you is that you obviously have some of this bacteria already because yor tank is in the middle of the nitrogen cycle.

What you need to do is do water changes until that ammonia is at 0. Ammonia is very toxic to fish and damages their little gills; eventually it will kill them. Keep doing daily 25% changes until this number is down. Make sure the water you add back in the tank is a temperature consistant with the tank temp. and that it is declorinated water. When doing changes, do not siphon the gravel or substrate as this is where much of the bacteria breaking down your ammonia into nitrite and nitrite into nitrate live. I would also hesitate to change filters during this time. Instead, rinse the filter in declorinated water when you feel the need (maybe once a week or so). Make sure you don't kill that bacteria.

For further information, please see: http://faq.thekrib.com/begin-cycling.html

I hope this helps and good luck to you.

did u cycle yout tank before you put fish in?
do a large water change straight away or your fish will die.
that level of ammonia is very dangerous, you should have none at all.
do u use water dechlor when changing water?
I think the best thing for u to do is stop feeding the fish, no food for a week and do daily water changes about 75%.
hopfully your tank will cycle and your levels will drop.

a fully cycled tank should have no ammonia, no nitrite and not much nitrate as low levels of this isn't toxic to fish.
if your not sure of anything i just said please say and explain in more detail.
I just saw the fish you have in that tank...it's a pretty hefty load for a new tank...you might lose fish during this process, just as a warning.....
thanks for your reply
my tank is in its 4th week of cycling i use safe guard for my tap water
and i let my clean water stand in my bucket till its same temp as tank
ive done a water change now wen shall i do another test thanks

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