Testing Nitrates


New Member
Jun 27, 2006
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I've spent hours on the forum looking for the answer to this - learnt a lot but not the answer to my question!

I've just started fishless cycling my new tank and bought the Tetratest Laborett kit which says it's "for the professional measurement of the most important parameters" - it has tests for pH, KH, GH, NO2, NH3/NH4 but doesn't seen to have a Nitrate test in the kit.

Am I missing something obvious? How do you test for Nitrates? Sorry if it's a stupid question as I'm new to fishkeeping and trying hard to do everything right. Do I need to buy another test kit?

Thanks in advance.

looking at the numbers it doesn't have the nitrate test with it, you'd need something to test NO3 which you should be able to buy as a package in a master test kit or seperately, as you have a test kit which tests the majority Id just buy one for nitrates/NO3 only and use that in conjunction with the one you have.

looking at the numbers it doesn't have the nitrate test with it, you'd need something to test NO3 which you should be able to buy as a package in a master test kit or seperately, as you have a test kit which tests the majority Id just buy one for nitrates/NO3 only and use that in conjunction with the one you have.

Thanks chochipnik - I bought that kit thinking it would contain everything I need. I'll pick up a nitrate test tomorrow.
Thanks chochipnik - I bought that kit thinking it would contain everything I need. I'll pick up a nitrate test tomorrow.

You're welcome
the one i have only has pH, NH3/NH4, NO3 and NO2, its one my lfs recommended
Isn't it irritating to spend all that money and not get what you want. :crazy:

Personally - and I'm sure I will be told if this is wrong, but all we use is the tests for nitrites, nitrates and ammonia. The rest - in my opinion - is just a waste of money. However I understand that certain fish need the ph checking, but we tend to avoid those anyway - we keep community tanks and the three tests I mentioned are all that is required.

One excellent piece of advice I got from this very site - is to only use half the test needed eg if the test requires 5ml of water and 10 drops - use 2.5ml of water and 5 drops. The test kits last twice as long and the results are the same.

Also - check the level of nitrAtes in your tap water before you panic. Our tap water is standard at 10 for the nitrAtes so there is no point desperately trying to get the nitrates lower than this.

Happy testing! It always makes me think of school and the laboratories when I get the kit out!!! :nod: :blush: :/

I've just read this back and that last sentence doesn't read right - whenI say getting my kit out - i obviously mean the testing kit :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

I got a nitrate test kit at the weekend - I agree that spending on a kit that doesn't have everything is annoying but then our budget for this tank's gone right out the window anyway!

Was excited to see some nitrite is developing - the cycle is underway - yipee!

Thanks for the advice about checking our water for nitrate.
Making test kits last longer may seem like you are saving money but once opened the tests only have a fairly short shelf life and will start to give false readings. Nitrate tests have the shortest life and once opened only last around 6 months before they need replacing.

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