Testing Kits


Fish Herder
Dec 1, 2004
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I currently have hagen test kits which are a pain to see what the color is, are there any test kits where I can actually see the difference especially for ammonia testing kits.
Starorbs, I have the same problem. Are you using test strips or liquid tests? I heard the liquids are more accurate but I don't know if they're easier to read or not. I'm slightly color blind and I think that's part of the problem. I always ask my wife to match the colors and she doesn't seem to have a problem. Can you wait to do your testing until someone else is around for a second opinion?
I'm thinking about the tetra ones because the colors aren't really close like the ones I have.
Hi guys, have you tried Aquarium pharmacuticals at www.aquariumpharm.com They do rapid kits which are liquid tests and easy to read. You can read them immediately.
:rip: :drink: Hi StarOrbs, I use the Nutrafin kits which are made by Hagen, and are probably the same as the ones you use. I must admit I've had no problem with them. You've got to make sure you have the light in the room behind you, when you compare the colour of the test to the chart on the booklet. :byebye: :byebye:
Yah I've tried everything unless you are really good are distinguishing colors its hard to tell.. Doesn't matter I ordered the tetra testing kit.
I'm using the Tetra Laborett kits and even though I'm pretty much colour blind (seriously), I find them pretty easy to read.
Today I got some all in one test strips. They test everything in one go, you just dunk it in then match the colour to the ones on the container. I thought I had unrealisticly high nitrite etc. until I figured I was holding the strip upside down :whistle: THey are much cheaper, about £10 for 50 strips.
The test strips aren't as accurate thats why I got the liquid test.
I use the Mardel all in one dip for general tests, just because its quick and easy, but if anything ever looks out of whack or if problems arise I double check with the "chemistry set" style tests. I have a couple different brands. This system has worked pretty well for me.

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