
awesome setup man! nice nice job!

no fish yet? whatcha gonna put in it?
Thanks for the compliment. I actually had a few fish in there at the time but they all ran and hid when I accidentally set off the flash the first time I tried to take the pic. :blink: As of now, I have the following residents:

1 male Firemouth
1 pair German Blue Rams
1 Gold Gourami
1 Yoyo Loach
3 Julii Cories
1 Golden Otto
15 Harlequin Rasboras
8 Pristella tetras
7 lemon tetras
Thanks to all for the nice compliments and the nominations. I'm still a little frustrated because I'm having a hard time posting pics as attachments. I consider myself pretty savvy with these things but right now I feel like a real knucklehead :S. I'm going to continue to troubleshoot...

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