Test Result Help


New Member
May 16, 2009
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im using the API test kit, is it possible to have 0 nitrite but 10 nitrate?

my results are:

ph 7.0

Ammonia .50ppm

Nitrite 0ppm

Nitrate 10pmm

is there a possibility i mess up the nitrite test?
If you're using some media from an old tank in a new cycle, probably not, as the bacteria that breaks the nitrites down will be present. I am currently doing a fishless cycle in my 37 gallon tank, and I have some Nitrates, but 0 nitrites. If this is a newer tank, and you are cycling without any sort of old filter media, it is possible. For me, it seems, that the Nitrate test is harder to do than the nitrite, as the nitrite is only one bottle, which does not require to be shaken for a minute (Stupid nitrate test). I hope this helps.

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