test kits


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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so ive had my tanks for quite a while now, and i dont have a test kit, everytime i go out 2 get they dont have any, and i did go out and they had one for like $50, and i refuse 2 spend that much on a test kit, no fish have died, except for the one that died after childbirth. everyone else is really good. where can i get 1
the best place is your lfs, but if cheapness is important try ebay or aquabid in the usa.
it does seem like a waste of money to buy a test kit, but they are very useful in any situation where you see fish acting out of the ordinary.
My local Walmart has the 5-in-1 test strips (for Nitrite, Nitrate, ph, alkaliknity and hardness) for about $10. They also have ammonia test strips for $11, I think. Not too bad.

My wonderful lfs sells the same thing for at least $20 each. So, I will always buy my fish from him, but sometimes, I gotta go with the lowbuck store for supplies.

Hope this helps!

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