Test Kits


New Member
Dec 20, 2010
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hi all
kept marine fish some years ago have just started again

i have a juwel 350 trigon tank with the internal filter system.
red sea hang on fractional skimmer.
8kg live rock
1 x tomato clown
2 x green cromis
1 x banded convict goby
2 x cleaner shrimp
4 x blue hermet crabs
2 x red hermit crabs

tank was bought second hand from fish dealer with water fish ect and has been up and running for near 4 months

I have been using the red sea marine lab test kit and i have had some strange readings with it.
I took some water to a dealer and it was confirmed that the test kit was not to accurate as i rekon the Ammonia NH3/NH4 was up at 0.5 and the nitrate N03 was up at 10 on the low range

he told me this was not true they were both very low and well within the correct levels.

all fish, inverts are feeding and look very well infact shrimps have just shed skin on last 10% water change.

so my question is can i have some advice on a good test kit for my tank i hope the keep some coral later but i fell more pratice first so nothing to complex but accurate easy to read and not to expensive please ???

happy new year to all

with thanks steve long devon uk

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