Test Kits


Fish Fanatic
Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
Cumbria, UK
Having spent the last week dosing my Mg levels from 960 up to 1200 I decided to check my container of fresh salt water and found it to be at 1020 (D&D H2Ocean salt and 200L water made 6 days ago).

However, I've just noticed my Salifert Mg test kit has an expiry date of 'May 2009'. :<

Might be a daft question but is the expiry date critical?

indeed i always wondered about the dates, same with medications.
ooohhhh this is a tough question. Need a chemistry major to answer this one for us. It depends on the chemicals the test is made of and how stable they are over time. It's basically a matter of the chemical properties changing over time. A slight change could easily alter the test results. I'd pay attention to the dates esp if you're using them to detect levels of stuff you are dosing.
Its probably better to use a test kit that is in date. Like KJ said, chemical compounds can become unstable and break down after a certain time period and may be affecting the results. For the sake of something that costs £10, its better to know that what the test kit is telling you is accurate rather than run the risk of overdosing an additive and nuking your tank, taking £100's worth or livestock with it.
It's really a problem with water vapor. The expiration dates are "suggestive" and not absoloute. Even if the reagents are a little "off" it'll still be close enough to tell you if your aquarium is close or far. And Magnesium is really a value that you just want "high" so just go ahead and use it :)
I wouldnt any chemicals/compounds that is it is over a month expired. So in your case i wouldnt use it. As Ski say ^ expiry dates are given as a guide to the effectiveness of the compound in question. Within the expiry it should be operating to near 100%, but gradually falling over time. Outside the expiry the compound in question can drop to only 10% effective and so not give accurate results.

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