test for nitrates


Fish Herder
Jun 5, 2003
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just wondering how many of you test for NitrAtes NO3. I am having a hard time finding a test kit locally and will probably just get it at bigalsonline.com. But i was curious about how many others do this test.
hi there , i do tests for nitrates along with my other water tests, ammonia and nitrites, on aregular basis , the water that comes out of the tap here has a fair amount of nitrate so i have to keep an eye and do an extra water change every now and thenas well as the routine ones.i also check my water just before adding any new fish . test kits are readily available so its easy for me .would be interested to see what others think pebbles :)
Nitrate is pretty much the only thing i test for these days,i only test for ammonia and nitrite if the fish start looking a bit off and i do a PH test once a month,i test for nitrate twice a week as the fish i keep produce quite a lot of waste,i do a water change if i get a reading above 40ppm.
I'm with CFC on that one. I test weekly for nitrate and PH and only test for ammonia and nitrite about once a month or as soon as I notice something not right like fish all of a sudden acting very differently.
i guess i'm still being rather careful with my tank, i'm still doing routine test as it hasn't been running all that long, 6 weeks,and cos its a bigger tank i'm still adding fish. still worried about getting a ammonia spike pebbles
It is wise to test new tanks for everything on a weekly basis until they have been running smoothly with no problems for six months and then once a fortnight until a year has past.Also those new to fishkeeping may not recognise the signs that fish give off when there is a increase of ammonia or nitrite so a test is the only way they would know.
thanks for that cat fishcrazy , i'll follow your advice on tests,this is my second tank and i have run the first without too many probs for 2 years,but have only been on the forum for a short while and am learning fast. its great being able to draw on other peoples experiences, maybe i can ease up on testing the older tank so often now pebbles
yeah tnx CFC, i ended up ordering a nitrate test from bigalsonline. I went ahead and got the nitrite as well cuz mine is almost out and they cost upwards of $12 here compared to around $4 on the site. I save money even WITH the s/h.

But one question for you, what is a fortnight?
how come they call it a fortnight over there? I'm just curious, its kinda funny to me. I know this is off the subject. lol
wow it never occoured to me that the word wasnt in use over on the other side of the pond.. im not shure where the word comes from. perhaps a night in a fort will last two weeks
Somewhere in the past I read that it comes from 2 words - fourteen and night and got shortened to fortnight. I don't know if that's true or not, but it sounds logical. :rolleyes:
Now back to the original question. I'm with cfc here - I check for nitrates regularly and only for ammonia and nitrite after doing a major clean of the tanks and filtersl. But, when I first started out, I checked practically daily, especially during the cycle, then weekly, monthly and once the tanks were up and running for over 6 months, only rarely.

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