

Oct 5, 2005
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Edmonton , Canada
I have a rainbow shark; he has been very calm and rarely chases other fish. He is by far the biggest fish in the tank now, part of the problem perhaps?

For the past 3 months he has not chased any fish, today he is on a rampage, and he is after my rummy nose tetras....

Any ideas to calm him down?

I suspect he needs tougher tank mates but he has been so good for 3-4 months now, I am just surprised his demeanor could change so fast....
Sharks can be that way. They'll be fine for years, peaceful and calm then one day they go insane. Not sure what to do about it except perhaps rearrange the decor or remove the shark or other fish.
I have a rainbow shark and have noticed that it was a bully to my other peaceful fish...that is until i got a red oscar and a convict cichlid. Now, the rainbow bothers nobody. It has resumed it's normal, swim everywhere behavior. "A swimming shark is a happy shark." Putting cichlids in the tank may not be the best thing for you, but maybe someone can recommend another fish that can perform the same task that my cichlids did for my tank.

95 Gallon Quarter Cylinder Tank
400 GPH Emporer Power Filter

1 9" Red Oscar
1 4" Male Convict Cichlid
1 3" Red-finned Shark (Rainbow)
1 3" Male Three-spot Gourami
1 4" Male Silver Dollar
1 5" Non-common Pleco
12 Baby Convicts (That the Oscar is ignoring and not eating.)
Heh, i had that problem then i added a betta.
Everytime the shark started on one of my fish my betta gave him a good Flaring to. :p
I have a rainbow shark and have noticed that it was a bully to my other peaceful fish...that is until i got a red oscar and a convict cichlid. Now, the rainbow bothers nobody. It has resumed it's normal, swim everywhere behavior. "A swimming shark is a happy shark." Putting cichlids in the tank may not be the best thing for you, but maybe someone can recommend another fish that can perform the same task that my cichlids did for my tank.

95 Gallon Quarter Cylinder Tank
400 GPH Emporer Power Filter

1 9" Red Oscar
1 4" Male Convict Cichlid
1 3" Red-finned Shark (Rainbow)
1 3" Male Three-spot Gourami
1 4" Male Silver Dollar
1 5" Non-common Pleco
12 Baby Convicts (That the Oscar is ignoring and not eating.)
Interesting, I have heard changing the "alpha" though fish can do allot....

I am considering selling my 29g and 21g and getting a 125g, I think a semi-agressive 125g would be great! Any suggestions for fish? (allong with my rainbow shark and my altum angel...

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