Territorial Plec L205


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Leicester, England
As I have said in previous thread I have just purchased recently L205 and he/she is a great fish!!! Don't see a great deal of it as it tends to reside in between the 2 bits of bogwood that I have in a sort of cave formation!!!

The thing is that it is very territorial and anything that comes into this cave gets chased out very quickly, most noticably my 5 cories, bless their little cotton socks!!

I was just wondering if being territorial was common for most plecs or does anyone have any experience with this L-number?

I am also having to feed it in this cave on it's own because he doesn't come out that much I am worried that he will starve, should this be a concern or will the fish come out if I just feed as normal and then turn the lights off?
Most plecs will get a litle teritorial

But to be honest your tanks on the small side to keep most plecs, especially if your after a community
This is what Planet catfish has to say about the L205..
Omnivorous with a tendency towards meaty foods. Not an effective algae eater. Well fed individuals will not damage most plants.

Peaceful if a little territorial. As a rough guide give each fish a 12 square inch area well broken up with decorations.
yeah no worries that is all good then!!!

the plec only gets to approx 4 inches anyway so my tank should be ok as long as I don't overstock tank but i think I ma about finished with the stocking now anyway.

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