terrarium used as aquarium


Apr 28, 2004
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Hesperia, Ca USA
What does everyone thing about using a terrarium as a tank. It doesnt seem like it will leak. Just for a while. Any input?
It should work though before adding any fish you should fill it with water and let it sit for a day to check for leaks.
If its a ten gallon it will work if its a 100 gallon it will not the thing about terrer4iums is that the glass is thinner what you can do is build a land/water scape to house some critter and some fish or an amphibian of some sort. I personaly like the idea of a mouse and a few WCMM's together or maby a preying mantis and a male endler. Oh the posibilities.

I will probably use that for my breeding tank then and my breeding tank for a reg tank. haha confusing i know but thats.
opcn said:
If its a ten gallon it will work if its a 100 gallon it will not the thing about terrer4iums is that the glass is thinner what you can do is build a land/water scape to house some critter and some fish or an amphibian of some sort.
Oh yeah, forgot that part though I don't think I've seen a terrairum larger than 20 gallons... Most of the ones I've seen actually are double purpose where they've got thick enough glass to be an aquarium but can double as a land-based habitat too.
kgrehm said:
I will probably use that for my breeding tank then and my breeding tank for a reg tank. haha confusing i know but thats.
Why don't you just breed in the breeding tank with a lower water line?
I have no idea. What do you mean. It is an old terrarium. I do have a breedign aquarium that has the water lvl down. I just dont want any of my fish being in containers because i want to make sure they are conditioned well.
Hi kgrehm :)

I was just wondering if it was an aquarium that had been used as a terrarium, or something else. :dunno:
No, it is just a plain terrarium that i have filled with water and hasnt leaked yet, so i am hopeing that it will hold up. thanks

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