Terrapins Vs. Fish


Fish Crazy
Jan 10, 2008
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Hey. So i am picking up my terrapin/tank on saturday, and was wandering:

Can i keep my two, small-average sized goldfish in the same tank as my yellow bellied terrapin. I am confused becuase i thought no, but have watched a load of videos with terrapins with goldfish living in the same tank. I am wanderin because currently they are kept in a bowl and need a proper tank.

People usually put goldfish in the same tank as food... :unsure: Which tbh isnt a good idea as that fish bought from the store will contain all sorts of bacteria etc that will be living inside your turtle after its eaten the fish.
i personally wouldnt + it will become food eventually...
I have 3 YBS in my tank. I added 5 guppies that were origionally as feeder food but they havn't touched them and they now live hapiily together.
It's always a possibility the turtles will eat the fishies. Some dont bother, some do. Goldfish aren't that great for them as it is- they're fatty. Rosey reds, aka fatheads, are better
okay, well I think I will not put my goldfishy in with my terrapin. I dont think my terrapin would eat it becuase i am led to believe it will be small, however i dont want to come back from college and see a bunch of gold scales littering the tank lol

lol @ your terrapin not eating the fish and now they live with it.

Also, i wont put them together becuase my goldfish has being kept in a tank for a little while as a temp house

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