Terrapin Trouble


Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2007
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Hi i'm new to this and was hoping someone could help, only had my terrapin for a couple of days now and all he ever seems to do is swim against the glass constantly trying to escape i suppose??? also when i bought him from the shop he was up on a rock chilling and in the 3 days i've had him he will only pop his head out of the water for 5-10 minutes at a time, he won't go up on the rocks out of the water.

Is this normal behaviour???

Also whats the best way to handle these?
It really depends on what type of turtle you have. Could you describe him or post some photos?

one of those lol
It looks like some sort of map turtle to me. The best solution I can think of is to check the air temperature. I'm not sure what your turtle will like it at, but try adjusting it a bit. Also, do you have a lamp over the land part? If you don't, maybe it watns one. Or maybe it's just not a turtle that enjoys basking.
non tbh, i got the water temp set at 25'c and the air temp is betyween 26 & 27'c is this ok? can someone show me some tidy pics of their set up please just to give me a clue.
non tbh, i got the water temp set at 25'c and the air temp is betyween 26 & 27'c is this ok? can someone show me some tidy pics of their set up please just to give me a clue.

I think you will need a lamp for it to bask.
Timmy's all sorted now up on every platform he can find basking, he's a funny little character now he knows where they all are, he will get to the highest point of one of the platforms stay there for five then somehow launch himself off into the water lol, he'll repeat this for or five times before swimming round chilling lol
Could you describe the tank you have? Size, water level, lighting, filter etc?

The picture you have is either of a map or some type of slider. Either way all turtles (except some softshells) bask, especially the maps and sliders. It is totally normal that the turtles don't bask the first few days in a new set up they just have to get used to it, as for the swimming against the glass thing, mine still does it after a year that I've had it they are incredible beggars :p

If you do not have a basking/heat lamp please get one as soon as possible, it really doesn't have much to do with the current temperature in the water (That''s what the heater is for) it is just a source of heat as turtles are cold-blooded and also a way for the turtle to get dry. You have to make sure that the turtle will be able to take it's entire body out of the water to bask ;) Apart from the basking light, you also need a UVB light over the basking area. This will provide calcium and rays of light that are beneficial in the growth of your turtle as well as the health of your turtle and it's shell! You absolutely need to make sure you have both of these lights. The heat light bulb can be bought just about anywhere and is a regular spotlight bulb like the ones used outside. As for the UVB light, I would recommend the lights from Zoo-Med 5.0 or 10.0 depending on the size of the tank, and it is the best provider of UVB (10%).

Could you maybe add some full tank shots as well?

I wish you well with your turtle!

P.S. Visit Turtle Times Forum it is the best turtle help on the net!
it looks like a columbian slider to me. as RES said peviously, a turtle will only leave the water to bask, Therefor you will need some sot of lighting (uva emmiting) and a source of heat over such an area for this turtle to even want to bask. a UVA emmiting light is crutial for the growth and survival of your turt.
here we go the tank is a jewel 3ft thing, i've got a fluval 2 filter, 100w heater, 3 area's for him to bask and the water at the deepest level is about 5 inches, pics are included




That tank has so much space! I would fill it up about 3/4 of the way up, at leas half way! Give the turtle as much space to swim as possible :)
That tank has so much space! I would fill it up about 3/4 of the way up, at leas half way! Give the turtle as much space to swim as possible :)

to be honest that is only a temp home at the mo. I'm currently looking for another 3ft but not as high
That tank has so much space! I would fill it up about 3/4 of the way up, at leas half way! Give the turtle as much space to swim as possible :)

to be honest that is only a temp home at the mo. I'm currently looking for another 3ft but not as high
Yeah that is a good idea, I have a 55 gallon long for mine, he swims across all the time lol :D I try to have as little deco as possible there :)

EDIT: I forgot to mention that you should remove that gravel from the tank! The turtles can and will ingest it causing impaction, constipation, and in many cases death of your turtle. Bare bottom is best ;)

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