Terrapin Related Questions


Fish Crazy
Jan 10, 2008
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Hey guys. I have decided to get a terrapin after years of interest and have some questions that i would be greatful if you answered. I am 100% dedicated to looking after my pet so that wont be an issue.

1. How often do i need to clean the tank out. I have researched it and it said a clean out is necessary monthly, but do i need to do a 40% water change weekly for example.

2. What is the best food to feed them as the majoirty of thier diet?

3. How big should the tank be for a single terrapin? (possibly two i future) pics would be greatly appeciated

4. WILL IT DROWN??? I have always had the concern that it wont be able to climb onto the basking surface!

thanks, please reply (Y)
Im not too hot on terrapins but have some info on turtles. Mosty newbies, no offense (you may be very knowledgabel!) think that turtles, who dont get any where as big as terrapins, are the same thing, so ill talk about turtles as they are alot easier!
Firstly, terrapins such as red Ear Sliders, as im sure your aware, get massive! We are talking a tank of around 6ft to happily accomidate them!
Turltes require a shallowish water level with a depth of their shell. They require land such as artificial trutle docks, slate etc to come out and bask. Its an idea to have the basking lamp directly above the land.
Most turtles such as Yellow bellys etc dont get too big but still get abut a 6 inch or so shell (gove or take a few inches per species, but its a good size to go by).
So, therefore a tank of around 30 gals should be ok for certain species.
Theres alot of commercial prepared foods such as Tetra Reptomin, King British flake etc that are great! Treat them to live river/ghost shrimp every so often or even bloodworm.
Any other questions im sure others will be able to help. If its about terrapins i cant give any further info, but im sure this is a good idea of care for you...
1. How often do i need to clean the tank out. I have researched it and it said a clean out is necessary monthly, but do i need to do a 40% water change weekly for example.

The best thing you need to do is get the biggest canister filter. I used a Xp3 with a 120 gallon tank housing 4 young red ear sliders. I did water changes every 6 mos.

2. What is the best food to feed them as the majoirty of thier diet?

Variety is the key to a healthy turtle. Feed a good pellet like Mazuri, with greens, anacharis, dark green leafy greens; also treats of plain cooked chicken; earthworms.

3. How big should the tank be for a single terrapin? (possibly two i future) pics would be greatly appeciated

depends on the species. a 12" adult female red ear slider needs at least 150 gallons. Yellowbellies, cooters, chicken turtles, all sliders get large and are best off in outdoor ponds. Count on most pond species as being large. Maps are good for smaller setups, they are a small species.

4. WILL IT DROWN??? I have always had the concern that it wont be able to climb onto the basking surface!

pond turtles are exceptionally well swimmers. the deeper the better. DO NOT MAKE IT SHALLOW. They swim, not walk. They slide on land, hence the name: sliders. You may need to be creative with the basking area; you MUST provide a UVB bulb. They make heat/uvb combo bulbs that are the best bet.

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