Terraced Tank


Sleepy Chook
Dec 13, 2003
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Sleeping Somewhere. Or doing water changes. Or run
At the LFS I saw that they have terraced some of their tanks. i.e. at the corner /side of the tank they have a raised area of gravel held back by something.....they had plants along the higher bit and it looke way cool :p

But I don't know what the something is.

I want to creat terraces like that in my tank/s.

Any ideas what I could use to hold the gravel back?
I had one of these in my old tank - glass will do the trick if you silicone it to the side of the tank.

This would work particularly well in the bottom of the tank to hold back your gravel etc.

In my other square tank, it was nearly three foot in height, and I had a shelf halfway up the tank, in a triangular shape. I filled this with soil/peat (the proper aqua stuff) and put a gravel tidy sheet on top. Cut small holes in the gravel tidy to put in plants, and away it went. I then put a small amount of gravel on top to hide the gravel tidy.

The plants grew extremely well, and the fish loved it.

Good luck!
We've done this in our 190l planted.

The idea being that the planted areas at the back and sides are higher than the swimming area.

we have done it using slate. th got some 3-4" wide bits and stood them up along their length and then added the substrate at different levels.

the tank has been like it for about a year and only one area leveled itself out.

the left hand back corner is still 2" higher than the rest of the tank :nod:

It'll all be getting re done when we move though so we might actually silicone glass strips in to allow for better retaining of gravel/sand :)

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