Terra Cotta pots


Fish Crazy
Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score
Sherwood Park, Canada
I have seen terra cotta pots in so many tanks, so I was wondering how you prep them to go in? Sorry if that is worded really badly, it's getting late here.
Crystal said:
I have seen terra cotta pots in so many tanks, so I was wondering how you prep them to go in? Sorry if that is worded really badly, it's getting late here.
I usually wash them thoroughly under tap water, that's all. But I only do this if I just purchased it from the store - never used as a pot.

I know some are still concerned and boils them before placing into the tank which works as well...
Ahhh, thank you! I just bought two of them tonight for my tank, so it is good to know I don't have to worry too much with them. :) Thank you!

BTW: yhbae, your tanks are really nice!
Crystal said:
Ahhh, thank you! I just bought two of them tonight for my tank, so it is good to know I don't have to worry too much with them. :) Thank you!

BTW: yhbae, your tanks are really nice!
Thanks for the complement... ;)
I thoroughly washed then boiled all small things that went in my tank, shells, pebbles, ornaments and a terracotta plant pot.

Might be a bit OTT, but better 5 mins boiling than 5 mins picking dead fish out of the tank!

I do that as well, anything that goes in gets boiled, so I don;t consider boiling much work at all.
Thank you everyone for your help!!
-_- What about the chlorine in the tap water? Probably a stupid question but would that cling to the pot? Or is it okay to just dry it off and put it in the tank?
I also boil clay pots if i am adding to a populated tank. :nod:

Better safe than sorry, unless you have a large pot your regular stove works well, just roll the pott a few times durring the boiling proccess. :p

If you're putting these things in a nonpopulated tank, how many days/hours should one wait, before populating? Are there any types of glass objects that would be unsafe for fish? Is there any aquarium safe objects that would melt in boiling water, or would that be a good test for not being safe?
i dont think that would be a good test as artificial plants from the lfs are safe, but they melt in boiling water. :dunno:

glass is generally ok as long as it hasnt been coloured with metal-based dyes.

i don't think putting flowerpots in a non populated tank affects how long you have to wait before stocking it. :unsure:

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