Terra Cotta Pot's.


Sep 23, 2005
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Vancouver Island, BC
I've seen them used in large aquariums, but are they ok in a small say, five gallon betta tank? I saw a couple in the grocery store for twenty five cents each and was debating getting a couple, but I wanted to make sure they were okay and wouldn't harm the betta or anything. If they're okay, is there anything I need to do with the pots first? as in washing them, etc etc.
I use them in my 10G and my 2.25G with no problems at all. The bettas love to swim in them. Make sure the hole in the bottom is blocked in some way, sometimes fish swim through them and they can get stuck. I found some that didn't have the hole knocked out, so I stocked up.

I washed them with really hot water and nuked them in a bleach solution. There is a post on here somewhere that describes the nuking process. Here it is. As an added measure I soaked them in heavily dechlorinated water after letting them dry for a day.

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