Teracotta Caves?


New Member
Jan 14, 2008
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I had a brain Storm and i was wondering, Will a Teraacotta pot leech toxins into an aquarium. Or change ph? If it dose not and concidering the density of the "flower pot" would i be sucesfull at attaching and growing Aquarium moss on the pot? I figure it could make a great cave for my Pelco. In the proces of seting up a new tank and i wanted to go for a very natural feel, this way it might look like a mound of grass if taken care of properly. Planing on drilling small holes and threading fishing line threw in a cris cross patern to tie down the moss. The roots should grown and atach onto the pot. lets hope for the best. Dose aby one have any experience with this thankss
They are fine in the aquarium, ive used them since i first started fish keeping, they are great homes for most cichlids.
Ya I attached java moss to the top of my dish. looks great. But the fish i got it for has yet to venture inside lol what did i expect!!

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