ten gallon


Aug 7, 2003
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does anyone have any ideas for good fish to stock in a ten gallon or just tell me whats in yours.All my fish died from the old one so i am going to restock it
Sorry to hear that MountGuppy.

What type of fish are you interested in?

I have a 10g that's empty that I am going to be putting Dwarf Puffers in. Hopefully sometime if I can find them, that is. :)
that sounds like a good idea .Like you said though ive never seen them either.Are they easy to raise?How many can you put in a ten?Are you thinking of breeding them?
I'll provide a link to a thread I started and received some great advice.

Also, if you have any questions on puffers you could ask in the Oddball forum. There are some here that have some good knowledge on them and pufferpack knows a TON of info on puffers. :)


Let me know if you do decide to get them. I'd be interested in hearing about it. :)
Just to let you know that I have a 10 and here's what's in it :p -

6 Zebra Danios (4 are long-finned)
1 Green Tiger Barb
1 Dwarf Gourami
1 Panda Cory (used to be 2)

I think in a 10 it's fun to have a school of something, and then maybe some other things like corys or gouramis. This situation has worked well for me, I really enjoy my setup. Depending on how much variety you want, you could have a school of some sort of barbs, danios, tetras, or even a kind of livebearer like guppies. Have fun! :thumbs:
I like mollies :)
I have six of them, plus two tetras, and on bottom two dwarf frogs, one big snail and one baby snail, and one odd cory.

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