Tempted By Amano Shrimp


Essentially Humanoid
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
Leeds, U.K.
Having recently added another couple of pieces of Bogwood and Mopani wood, I'm now thinking of adding some Amano Shrimp. I have an opened topped tank, though. Would they be tempted to go walkabout?.
They will only normally go walk about if there is something wrong with their current home then like a detective its your job to figure out what is the problem. Amano's can't actually walk on glass when in the tank and appear to they are actually walking on minute bits of algae normally smaller then noticeable enough to give a green tinge to the glass. They can walk up power cables and rubber tubing though so always have the possibility of escape. If one does escape then placing a low bowl of water in every corner of the room can work. Shrimps are amazing to watch I find them all my inverts more interesting then my fish whilst the fish are beatiful and graceful the shrimp and snails appear to be constantly working/digging/eating and the shrimp freak out of my gf and I have woken up early and put one on the pillow next to her lol.
Cheers, salty. I really like them, but have visions of them walking up the cable from the heater and falling victim to the cat.
As I said the only usually leave when they feel something is wrong with their environment I have had mine for 3 months now and the water line of the tank is less then 1cm off from the top of the tank I had one escape and that was one week after first getting them and probably due to me aduascaping the entire environment and adding my diy filter all in one day so lots of disturbance in the tank. Who wouldn't want to wake up to this:

about one year ago i had a all glass tank (including glass lid) the lid sat on the top of the tank(oh really?) on brackets in each corner it had about one inch of gap on each side tank looked really nice. i orrigionally had it for keeping my show quality crowntail female betta but when the filter crashed in my shrimp breeding tank i put my green shrimp, one bee shrimp i had and a couple aminos in and put the fighter in the other tank and the shrimp never climed out of that tank and that had cables coming out from filter and heater in it.
What I would do, make sure you water is fine with a test kit etc. Get a couple and see if there tempted to climb out and after a week or so, if they are stil there then stock up on them. Just my opinion though :good:
Definately get some,i got one yesterday and he's the best thing in my tank now, wish i'd have got more. Having 6 would be awesome i reckon

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