Temporary tanks???

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
Put this in farming, because I raise tilapia, but could be used for koi, or even to move my adult Tin Foils into, to make a dedicated Hillstream tank, out of my current Asian tank… anyone ever used something similar???

They'd be too expensive to heat for we of the harsh winters, and they kind of scare me on the durability issue. If your farm has heated outbuildings, maybe. I wonder how many years you'd get out of them though. And when you stopped getting years out of them, they look like they'd go catastrophically. Maybe I'm just being conservative, but a lot of water in a very temporary tank would make me nervous.
Service life is listed at 10-20 years… I’m thinking have one that would be easy to set up, take down, and move around, by myself, would be nice… I could set one up temporarily in the basement, to move my larger Tin Foils into, so I could convert that tank to a dedicated Hillstream tank, until I buy a larger tank for them, if it’s empty, it would be great to have if one, if one of my older glass tanks sprung a leak, and if I needed a temporary tank for the tilapia, to set up in the garage, if needed ( last year, we had an early cold windy spell in the fall, and I was forced to harvest one tank early ) if I would have had one I could quickly set up in the garage, out of the cold, and wind, I could have transferred them, rather than harvesting early…

If that were to happen again, this year, with our current equipment, I think we would can, or pickle any fish that were too small to fillet out… but last year, we had to deal with them in an emergency, and cleaned 50 of them in the kitchen sink, with bones… hind sight, we should have canned or pickled, but were caught by surprise…
Looking at the linked, in specific, looks like they would not work with my current hang on tank filters, would have to keep a canister filter running, in an existing tank, as an emergency filter, if a tank were to start leaking, or you needed to set up and fill immediately

Was looking at the 160 gallon, plenty big enough for temporary use, and easy enough to move around solo, and wouldn’t take up a full garage stall, in needed there for short term
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