Temperature Too High?


New Member
Oct 18, 2005
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Bromley UK
Hi, i have a fairly old tank, its cycled and contains peaceful fish, but not exceeding the maximum limit. My guppy's gave birth about a month ago and the babies are doing fine. The fish usually thrive in a temp of 28C. This morning when i turned the light on, one of the neon tetras was looking bloated and floating around out of control. All 4 guppies and 2 gouramis were just resting on the gravel, which they never do, one of the male guppies looked like he was struggling to move up. I turned the temp down and there was some improvement, what is the likely problem?

Thanks :)
mmm not sure. If that's your usual temperature, then this change in behaviour is not right.
That aside, I'd say going forward you should lower your temperature a bit down to around 26 - which is a good average community tank temp.

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